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 humidity [hju:'miditi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 湿气, 潮湿, 湿度

[计] 湿度

[化] 湿度

    [ noun ]
    wetness in the atmosphere

    Humidity \Hu*mid"i*ty\, n. [Cf. F. humidit['e].]
    1. Moisture; dampness; a moderate degree of wetness, which is
    perceptible to the eye or touch; -- used especially of the
    atmosphere, or of anything which has absorbed moisture
    from the atmosphere, as clothing.

    2. Specifically: The content of water vapor in the air,
    expressed as a percent of the maximum amount of water
    vapor that the air can hold at the given temperature; also
    called {relative humidity}. The capacity of the air to
    hold moisture increases with temperature, so if the
    temperature changes without changing the absolute content
    of the atmospheric moisture, the relative humidity will
    also change.

    {relative humidity} Same as {humidity}[2].

    Note: In hygrometrical reports (as of the United States
    Signal Service) complete saturation of the air by water
    vapor is designated by a relative humidity of 100, and
    its partial saturation by smaller numbers in direct
    proportion to the actual content of water vapor.

    1. Temperatures remained in the 40s in the park Monday, keeping humidity levels at up to 50 percent, but the weather was expected to begin clearing Tuesday and temperatures were to reach 70 degrees by Wednesday, drying the area once again.
    2. Improved weather _ lighter wind and higher humidity _ allowed progress against the blaze, and U.S. Forest Service spokeswoman Rosalinda Ewen said many of the 2,300 firefighters had been sent home.
    3. I'm crazy about flowers." During fall and winter, when humidity is low and printing conditions best because paper doesn't swell with moisture, Van Drunen would make money.
    4. Firefighters also battled extreme heat and low humidity to suppress fires in eastern and southern Utah, while a new blaze charred more than 1,000 acres in the Uintah Basin, forcing evacuation of all campgrounds in the area.
    5. "If that front is pushing high winds ahead of it, it can be disastrous," he said Wednesday night. "It's predicted to be 100 degrees, 2 percent humidity and with high winds.
    6. Yellowstone's fires are thriving on a steady diet of low humidity, high temperatures and forests baked dry by the area's worst recorded drought.
    7. "The wind and the low humidity are the primary causes for the fire to be spreading so quickly," Timmer said.
    8. In addition to the bombsight, her hair was used in scientific equipment such as humidity measuring devices important in the production of airplanes and other war machinery.
    9. The boats generally take eight to 12 hours to cross the gulf, an arduous journey where temperatures can climb to 110 degrees or more, with humidity at 90 percent.
    10. The Labor Day weekend forecast calls for hotter than average temperatures in most areas, with high humidity in the South and Plains states.
    11. The low humidity and dry brush fueled the Colorado fires, which caused no structural damage despite threatening the town of Dinosaur and the headquarters of Dinosaur National Monument on Sunday.
    12. "The humidity dropped, it got warmer and the wind picked up.
    13. The temperature and the humidity may both be in the nineties but the Japanese driver will have air conditioning to take care of that. Every so often, he will glance at a display which tells him if he is still heading in the right direction.
    14. The humidity is up," said Santa Barbara County Fire Marshal William Bennett. "That's good news for us firefighters." State and local officials sought President Bush's approval for federal disaster aid for the Santa Barbara and Glendale areas.
    15. He said the team will return this spring to unroll the mosaic and place it on a special epoxy resin base to reduce humidity before it goes on display.
    16. In southern California's Orange County, some 700 firefighters took advantage of high humidity and calm wind to surround the 7,000-acre fire Friday.
    17. Warm temperatures, low humidity and high winds Saturday had raised the possibility of accidental fires, she said.
    18. It was 85 degrees and climbing on the plaza outside, but the weather service said the humidity made it feel like 95.
    19. At altitudes as high as 20,000 feet, the bombsight cross hairs were subjected to freezing temperatures and rapid changes in humidity.
    20. Rain was scattered along the Mississippi Valley on Saturday and along the southern East Coast and central Appalachians, and there was more high humidity and record heat across the eastern half of the nation.
    21. Today, it has shiny offices in Neenah, Dallas and Atlanta, with squadrons of marketing executives and million-dollar research and development labs, where babies crawl about with temperature and humidity sensors trailing from their tails.
    22. Perfect weather," she said as she distributed stickers featuring a big blue "92," which can seem like the average humidity on a summer day in Houston.
    23. Beginning as earth-bound "hoppers" in larva form, they accumulate and nestle, then move into their swarming _ and ravenous _ phase, poised for takeoff with the right combination of hot wind and humidity.
    24. The National Weather Service said the heat, coupled with strong southwesterly wind and low humidity, made fire danger across the state high to extreme.
    25. The humidity dropped into the teens.
    26. Even without much rain, the latest weather system sweeping in from the Pacific did bring higher humidity to the region.
    27. But he added, "I'm more concerned about the humidity." Republicans meeting in the Superdome next week are unlikely to see a repetition of the overcrowding that kept many Democratic delegates locked out of their party's convention in Atlanta.
    28. Control of relative humidity is the most important aim, because large swings allow water movement into and out of the plaster.
    29. The temperatures are in the 90s, the humidity is brutal, and the beaches are closed.
    30. By trial and error in raising and lowering humidity, using tissue and waxed paper between sheets, Iskander separated, then flattened, some of the pages.
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