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 hourly ['aʊəli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 每小时的, 以小时计的, 频繁的

ad. 每小时地, 频繁地, 不绝地

[法] 每小时的, 以钟点计算的

  1. We are expecting news hourly.
  2. The trains leave at hourly intervals.

[ adv ]
  1. every hour; by the hour

  2. <adv.all>
    daily, hourly, I grew stronger
[ adj ]
  1. occurring every hour or payable by the hour

  2. <adj.all>
    hourly chimes
    hourly pay

Hourly \Hour"ly\, a.
Happening or done every hour; occurring hour by hour;
frequent; often repeated; renewed hour by hour; continual.

In hourly expectation of a martyrdom. --Sharp.

Hourly \Hour"ly\, adv.
Every hour; frequently; continually.

Great was their strife, which hourly was renewed.

Cyclic \Cyc"lic\ (s?k"l?k or s?"kl?k), Cyclical \Cyc"lic*al\
(s?k"l?-kal), a. [Cf. F. cycluque, Gr. kykliko`s, fr. ky`klos
See {Cycle}.]
1. Of or pertaining to a cycle or circle; moving in cycles;
as, cyclical time. --Coleridge.

2. (Chemistry) Having atoms bonded to form a ring structure.
Opposite of {acyclic}.

Note: Used most commonly in respect to organic compounds.

Note: [Narrower terms: {bicyclic}; {heterocyclic};
{homocyclic, isocyclic}]

Syn: closed-chain, closed-ring.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. Recurring in cycles[2]; having a pattern that repeats at
approximately equal intervals; periodic. Opposite of

Note: [Narrower terms: {alternate(prenominal),
alternating(prenominal)}; {alternate(prenominal), every
other(prenominal), every second(prenominal)};
{alternating(prenominal), oscillating(prenominal)};
{biyearly}; {circadian exhibiting 24-hour
periodicity)}; {circular}; {daily, diurnal};
{fortnightly, biweekly}; {hourly}; {midweek,
midweekly}; {seasonal}; {semestral, semestrial};
{semiannual, biannual, biyearly}; {semiweekly,
biweekly}; {weekly}; {annual, yearly}; {biennial};
{bimonthly, bimestrial}; {half-hourly}; {half-yearly};
{monthly}; {tertian, alternate(prenominal)};
[WordNet 1.5]

4. Marked by repeated cycles[2].
[WordNet 1.5]

{Cyclic chorus}, the chorus which performed the songs and
dances of the dithyrambic odes at Athens, dancing round
the altar of Bacchus in a circle.

{Cyclic poets}, certain epic poets who followed Homer, and
wrote merely on the Trojan war and its heroes; -- so
called because keeping within the circle of a single
subject. Also, any series or coterie of poets writing on
one subject. --Milman.

  1. Over the past year, nominal hourly wages have risen at an annual rate of 3.3 percent, compared with an inflation rate of 4 percent as measured by consumer prices.
  2. With hourly wages in 1992 65 per cent of the west German level, but output per worker at only 40 per cent, it is unlikely to enjoy one.
  3. Aside from any museum admission fee, most theaters usually charge $3 to $5 for tickets to hourly shows.
  4. Under current ethics rules of the institute, the industry's principal professional group, accountants can only charge hourly fees for such advice and cannot accept any contingency fees or commissions.
  5. "Our embassy is in contact almost hourly with Iraqi officials concerning the safety of U.S. citizens," White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said in a statement.
  6. Writethrus hourly; more frequently during peak periods.
  7. Teledyne hourly employees walked off the job after working eight months without a contract at the manufacturer of engines that power military missiles.
  8. By paying the merit raise as a lump sum, GM would be applying to salaried workers the changes it negotiated with hourly workers in 1984.
  9. After that, the legislation calls for the minimum wage to be indexed annually to 50 percent of the average hourly income of U.S. workers.
  10. The 50-month agreement would immediately boost the average hourly wage from $11.23 to $12.22, restoring an 8 percent cut granted by the union in August 1982.
  11. Some baggage handlers, for example, woud have hourly wages cut over three years from $15.60 to $10. Mechanics, who comprise about half the union, would be cut only by small amounts.
  12. The plant, one of the largest in the country, burns 24,000 tons of coal a day and releases an estimated 12 to 13 tons of sulfur dioxide from its 750-foot smokestacks hourly.
  13. The average hourly earnings index, which excludes wage changes caused by factory overtime and shift differentials, rose slightly to 179.4% of its 1977 average from 179.3% in July.
  14. In Western Europe, hourly wages for direct labor, all fringes included, average $14; in Israel they are $6, or $4.80 per hour after the recently introduced subsidy.
  15. Ninety-one years ago, the town clock was installed and the bell began its hourly chiming.
  16. The department's hourly earnings index, which excludes wage changes caused by factory overtime and shift differentials, increased to 173.1% of its 1977 average from 172.7% in May.
  17. The latest drop in average weekly earnings reflected a 0.3% rise in average hourly earnings and a 0.6% drop in hours worked.
  18. In addition, the New York City bar ruled recently that legal temp agencies can't receive a portion of their temps' hourly fees, endangering the practice there.
  19. GE said it will eliminate about 4,200 hourly and salaried jobs over the next two years at five GE Aerospace locations in New York and New Jersey.
  20. Approximately 4,200 hourly employees will be affected by the move.
  21. Mr. Stempel's subordinates say his ethic, shaped by his admiration for management guru W. Edwards Deming, is to convince GM middle managers and hourly workers that change can take place step-by-step, and won't cost them their jobs.
  22. The two-year contract covers 66,000 hourly and salaried workers and 65,000 retirees at the No. 3 automaker.
  23. Last month, Ford distributed profit-sharing checks amounting to a record $636 million to more than 156,000 hourly and salaried workers in the United States, making for an average check of just more than $4,000 each.
  24. West Germans are also the best-paid workers in Europe _ in 1987 the average hourly wage including benefits was the equivalent of about $18, compared to about $15 an hour for the Dutch.
  25. In the past decade U.S. automakers have lost market share, faced financial crises, slashed costs, joined with Japanese companies in joint ventures, closed factories and trimmed salaried and hourly work forces.
  26. When Stroh closed its 71-year-old Detroit plant in 1985, almost 1,200 hourly and salaried workers were laid off.
  27. Friday's report showed average hourly earnings rising 5 cents last month to $9.49, an increase of 3.8 percent over the past 12 months.
  28. Eastern and Trump announced in mid-October a $365 million agreement allowing Trump to buy the shuttle, which provides hourly flights between New York and Washington and New York and Boston, and to change the name to the Trump Shuttle.
  29. Meanwhile, labor costs soared 5.9 percent, the largest gain since a 6.1 percent increase in the last quarter of 1986, as hourly wages and benefits rose at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter.
  30. Officials of the USW and Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp., meanwhile, said they have asked a federal bankruptcy judge to approve hourly wage increases of 50 cents for union members at the financially troubled company.
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