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 horoscope   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 星占, 算命天宫图

    [ noun ]
    1. a prediction of someone's future based on the relative positions of the planets

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. a diagram of the positions of the planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Horoscope \Hor"o*scope\, n. [F. horoscope, L. horoscopus, fr.
    Gr. ?, adj., observing hours or times, esp. observing the
    hour of birth, n., a horoscope; ? hour + ? to view, observe.
    See {Hour}, and {-scope}.]
    1. (Astrol.)
    (a) The representation made of the aspect of the heavens
    at the moment of a person's birth, by which the
    astrologer professed to foretell the events of the
    person's life; especially, the sign of the zodiac
    rising above the horizon at such a moment.
    (b) The diagram or scheme of twelve houses or signs of the
    zodiac, into which the whole circuit of the heavens
    was divided for the purposes of such prediction of

    2. The planisphere invented by Jean Paduanus.

    3. A table showing the length of the days and nights at all
    places. --Heyse.

    1. She said, no, she only read her horoscope.
    2. Playing off recent White House revelations, he says he's never really known the difference between a horoscope and a telescope.
    3. One company recently offered to sell lists of tens of thousands of callers to dating and adult-conversation services, horoscope lines, credit cards and sweepstakes offers.
    4. After the latest shooting June 21, a fourth astrological sign was added to the circle _ Cancer _ the horoscope sign of the gunman's victim.
    5. The sages also borrowed liberally from the Assyrians, who flourished in southwest Asia around the 7th century B.C. and are believed to have invented what has become the modern-day horoscope.
    6. I don't like to use the word rely," said Joyce Jillson, an astrologer from the San Fernando Valley whose daily horoscope is distributed to more than 100 newspapers nationwide by Tribune Media Services.
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