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 hooker ['hukә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 用钩子的人, 渔船

    [ noun ]
    1. United States general in the Union Army who was defeated at Chancellorsville by Robert E. Lee (1814-1879)

    2. <noun.person>
    3. English theologian (1554-1600)

    4. <noun.person>
    5. a prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets

    6. <noun.person>
    7. a golfer whose shots typically curve left (for right-handed golfers)

    8. <noun.person>
    9. (rugby) the player in the middle of the front row of the scrum who tries to capture the ball with the foot

    10. <noun.person>

    Hooker \Hook"er\, n.
    1. One who, or that which, hooks.

    2. (Naut.)
    (a) A Dutch vessel with two masts.
    (b) A fishing boat with one mast, used on the coast of
    (c) A sailor's contemptuous term for any antiquated craft.

    1. She reminisces about her days in school when she hated everything, including herself, and about her reunion with an old school chum who has become a high-priced hooker.
    2. Next came "Pretty Woman," as a Hollywood hooker to Richard Gere's takeover tycoon.
    3. With hooker styles at Angelo Tarlazzi and wild lampshade hoop skirts at Thierry Mugler, some fashion shows failed to resemble their purpose _ ready-to-wear.
    4. The hooker must throw in better than he can hook.
    5. Happily, that has been accomplished with "Pretty Woman," in which Cinderella turns out to be a novice hooker and Prince Charming is a ruthless corporate raider.
    6. "If you are reliable, you can work your way up to the nightclub." He turns away to explain his decision: "She looks good to me, but I don't know when I've got a hooker sitting in front of me.
    7. Here is Susan Sarandon as his lady boss playing two neo-Biblical Marys in one, part mother figure, part universal hooker.
    8. I'm a hooker and Cindy Williams is a Brentwood housewife.
    9. He was a lovely hooker, but now you've got to get rid of him."
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