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 historical [hi'stɒrikәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 历史的, 史实的, 历史上的

[法] 历史性的

    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to the study of history

    2. <adj.pert>
      historical scholars
      a historical perspective
    3. used of the study of a phenomenon (especially language) as it changes through time

    4. <adj.all>
      diachronic linguistics
    5. having once lived or existed or taken place in the real world as distinct from being legendary

    6. <adj.all>
      the historical Jesus
      doubt that a historical Camelot every existed
      actual historical events
    7. belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past

    8. <adj.all>
      historic victories
      historical (or historic) times
      a historical character

    historic \his*tor"ic\ (h[i^]s*t[o^]r"[i^]k), historical
    \his*tor"ic*al\ (h[i^]s*t[o^]r"[i^]*kal), a. [L. historicus, Gr.
    "istoriko`s: cf. F. historique. See {History}.]
    Of or pertaining to history, or the record of past events;
    as, an historical poem; the historic page. --
    {His*tor"ic*al*ness}, n. -- {His*to*ric"i*ty}, n.

    There warriors frowning in historic brass. --Pope.

    2. having once lived, existed, or taken place in the real
    world; -- contrasted with {legendary}; as, the historical
    Jesus; doubt that a historical Camelot every existed;
    actual historical events.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    3. Belonging to the past; as, historical (or historic) times;
    a historical character.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    4. Within the period of time recorded in written documents;
    as, within historic times. Opposite of {prehistoric}.

    Syn: diachronic.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    5. (Linguistics) Same as {diachronic}. {synchronic}
    [WordNet 1.5]

    {Historical painting}, that branch of painting which
    represents the events of history.

    {Historical sense}, that meaning of a passage which is
    deduced from the circumstances of time, place, etc., under
    which it was written.

    {The historic sense}, the capacity to conceive and represent
    the unity and significance of a past era or age.

    1. He appeals to readers who like their Tchaikovsky in the grand tradition, untainted by deconstruction, Marxism, feminism, or those analysts for whom historical context is irrelevant and the works' autonomous greatness a fiction.
    2. He said a few churches _ "not of too much historical importance" _ were destroyed for the project, while at least eight others have been moved so that they are now hidden behind the new buildings.
    3. Kantor was known for creating dynamic, inventive theater based on historical and personal themes.
    4. Permit me to discuss with you for a moment just what's at stake in this whole matter of the defense bill, and in doing so, it's important to begin with some historical background.
    5. The notebook was part of a sale Thursday of English literary and historical manuscripts and books that totaled $2.13 million, Sotheby's said.
    6. Although Buffalo Bill's name was stricken from the Medal of Honor roll in February 1917, one month after he died, the medal itself was never recalled and remains in the historical center.
    7. The government has rejected all the students' demands, including greater freedom of speech and press, more money for education, disclosure of the incomes of top officials and reassessment of Hu's historical role.
    8. "There was no peace from World War II till 1970." Given the historical problems, some officials maintain that eastern Indonesia hasn't done badly at all.
    9. He has lived in St Lucia since 1979. Between courses, I tell him about my theory that travel writing should be judged not on what it includes but on what it leaves out. 'Such as?' 'Well, wodges of historical stuff chucked in as padding.' 'I see.
    10. It is real work to construct a historical narrative, even when the history is your own.
    11. Or at least that's one way of looking at historical reality.
    12. For those who want a quick flavour of Keynes' writings, in historical context, with lots of pictures and who are not too worried about detailed scholarly interpretation, Keynes for Beginners is perfect.
    13. He was pleasantly surprised by the balance and fairness of the historical presentation, but depressed that he was the only Japanese present.
    14. Several building companies specialise in historical restoration and retain teams of craftsmen.
    15. Last year, a record 19.3m overseas visitors spent Pounds 9.1bn in the UK. The conventional view is that foreign visitors come to the UK for its historical and cultural attractions.
    16. Some rulers during Hungary's historical domination of Transylvania, it's true, also practiced harsh nationalization on their Romanian subjects, but the effect of these activities never equaled what is happening under the current totalitarian system.
    17. 'It's the historical name.
    18. Other recommendations included: _The inclusion of the historical experiences of women, racial and ethnic minorities in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe in all curricula.
    19. It is intended that Donau-City should create a second commercial and residential centre outside the city's historical core.
    20. Every time prices fall, the monthly payment buys more shares. Indeed, if savings schemes can be kept as a stable source of demand for shares, then historical discount levels of 25 per cent might never recur.
    21. True enough, in the broadest sense, "white America" is responsible for this historical handicap, but it does not follow that most whites alive today are still actively conspiring to keep blacks back.
    22. Ancient Chinese and Japanese historical records reported the exploding star that formed the Crab Nebula was visible for 653 nights and in daylight for 23 consecutive days.
    23. The situation isn't desperate, since inventory-sales ratios still are at levels that are low by historical standards.
    24. These programmes, mixing chart hits with contemporary news clips, form some of the most evocative historical documents imaginable.
    25. Mr. Schoenbaum's biography is a major step, but by no means the last one, in putting Dean Rusk into his proper historical perspective.
    26. "The historical norms are shot," said one admissions director, speculating that perhaps "there's a hormonal surge going through the high schools."
    27. The book "So Young, So Gay," a collection of Atlantic City historical facts, tells of numerous piers built and rebuilt since 1880, mostly for entertainment purposes such as concerts.
    28. He chose 16 subjects, some for their historical or cultural significance.
    29. The American and allied response is now favored not only by the fundamental measures of power but by an extraordinary coalition of historical coincidences.
    30. The Hubbard hijinks have historical precedent, said John W. Denison, professor emeritus in the College of Food and Natural Resources.
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