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 harshest 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Atomic energy has just been subjected to one of the harshest of possible tests, and the impact on people and the planet has been small.
  2. His revelations in Peeling the Onion were castigated by politicians and fellow authors; this time around it might be his own children who are his harshest critics.
  3. They will face a much less crowded field and their managers will have honed their moneymaking skills in the harshest of all environments.

Harsh \Harsh\ (h[aum]rsh), a. [Compar. {Harsher}
(h[aum]rsh"[~e]r); superl. {Harshest}.] [OE. harsk; akin to
G. harsch, Dan. harsk rancid, Sw. h["a]rsk; from the same
source as E. hard. See {Hard}, a.]
1. Rough; disagreeable; grating; esp.:
(a) disagreeable to the touch. ``Harsh sand.'' --Boyle.
(b) disagreeable to the taste. ``Berries harsh and
crude.'' --Milton.
(c) disagreeable to the ear. ``Harsh din.'' --Milton.

2. Unpleasant and repulsive to the sensibilities; austere;
crabbed; morose; abusive; abusive; severe; rough.

Clarence is so harsh, so blunt. --Shak.

Though harsh the precept, yet the preacher charmed.

3. (Painting, Drawing, etc.) Having violent contrasts of
color, or of light and shade; lacking in harmony.

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