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 hardship ['hɑrdʃɪp]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 艰难, 辛苦, 苦难

[法] 受苦, 吃苦, 苦难

  1. A strong man will bear hardship without complaining.
  2. Mountaineering is attractive especially to young people because it is accompanied with hardship and adventure.
  3. Hardship warped his disposition.

[ noun ]
  1. a state of misfortune or affliction

  2. <noun.state>
    debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity
    a life of hardship
  3. something hard to endure

  4. <noun.attribute>
    the asperity of northern winters
  5. something that causes or entails suffering

  6. <noun.event>
    I cannot think it a hardship that more indulgence is allowed to men than to women
    the many hardships of frontier life

Hardship \Hard"ship\ (h[aum]rd"sh[i^]p), n.
That which is hard to bear, as toil, privation, injury,
injustice, etc. --Swift.

  1. Site Two is the largest border refugee camp, housing 162,000 Cambodians who fled economic hardship and a guerrilla war against occupying Vietnamese troops.
  2. But Names in hardship would benefit in a number of ways.
  3. The government announced new austerity measures Saturday that party leaders acknowledged would be unpopular and cause more hardship.
  4. He's a relic of another time, when people who didn't endure great hardship didn't feel obligated to inflict it on themselves through excessive introspection.
  5. It will also hit Palestinian exports to Israel and Palestinian Treasury revenue, as well as deterring investors and tourists. These costs, together with the continuing economic hardship, appear to be strengthening the hand of Hamas.
  6. "As mine workers, they face many dangers, whether the hazards inherent in coal mining, the hardship caused by coal company economics or the threats of bodily harm at the hands of gun thugs," UMW President Richard Trumka said.
  7. On another revival, "Queen for a Day," women vie for the distinction of worst hardship: In the pilot, the woman with a severely burned face beats out a lady whose daughter was murdered by a gang, and another who has adopted 32 kids.
  8. The service said Thursday it had now begun focusing on the officer community and hoped the combination of the three new programs would allow it to reduce those ranks without causing undue personal hardship.
  9. Without an infusion of Western cash, the move to the market could cause greater hardship for the population and put more social pressure on Gorbachev.
  10. "Marauding pickets continue to cause great hardship upon the company and its families on a daily basis.
  11. For the large stores, drawing thousands of customers, the fines levied against them are not a hardship.
  12. I thought it was a good antidote to the hardship and sadness of (`Gorillas in the Mist')." Geena Davis is a new girl in town.
  13. Craft said it would be a hardship for defense attorneys and the judge indicated he felt the current schedule already is longer and more arduous than a normal trial schedule.
  14. India's month-long cutoff of necessities to Nepal causes great human hardship and threatens the stability of Nepal, said ambassador Mohan Man Sainju.
  15. The opposition called a general strike Wednesday to press for his ouster, but merchants say fear, frustration and economic hardship caused it to fizzle.
  16. In his Sunday homily, San Salvador's Roman Catholic archbishop, Arturo Rivera Damas, said that government policies and rebel attacks were causing great hardship to the nation's people.
  17. Already 2,000 Names - of more than 33,000 trading in 1989 - have applied for help from the Lloyd's 'hardship' committee, which re-schedules the debts of Names and allows them to live in what it describes as 'modest' circumstances.
  18. Even longer phase-in periods could be negotiated if local officials can show economic hardship, officials said.
  19. Some passengers joked about the hardship of not being able to get back to New York when temperatures in Florida were running at around 80 degrees.
  20. The crackdown on corruption, which was rampant during the 8-year war against Iraq, comes as the government moves to loosen social, political and economic restrictions after the hardship and sacrifice of the war years.
  21. While the available data do not permit an exact determination of how many Americans lost economic ground during the past two decades, it is clear that critics have grossly exaggerated the economic hardship visited on the vast majority of Americans.
  22. The International Monetary Fund has offered India a $400 to $450 million loan to compensate for hardship suffered under U.N. sanctions against Iraq.
  23. The hardship and turmoil was a fertile field for potential successors to till, particularly after Khomeini dumped his designated successor, Montazeri.
  24. A hardship committee has already helped a few dozen members on the verge of financial collapse.
  25. A critical shortage of managerial talent is not the least of the problems besetting the structural reform programme. The authorities are right to be nervous about the consequences of reforms that bring further hardship to an already hard-pressed populace.
  26. Gov. Weld said that his plan doesn't require cuts in essential services to the poor, but critics contend that the reductions in some programs inevitably will cause hardship.
  27. Former presidential aide Lyn Nofziger is still worth more than $2.8 million despite his pleas of financial hardship and should be imprisoned for illegally lobbying the White House, a prosecutor says.
  28. But opposing lawmakers argue that the hardship exemptions, which require approval from school administrators and parents, could prove faulty. They contend that poor students whose families need extra income could be kept off the payrolls.
  29. At a time when the novelty of glasnost has worn off and people are fed up with politics, the programme offers half an hour of escape to people ground down by economic hardship. 'It's wonderful,' exclaims Ms Olga Kovolyova, a teacher in her 40s.
  30. The government said Tuesday that social tension caused by economic hardship could threaten agreements reached in negotiations with the political opposition, which began Feb. 6 and are nearing completion.
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