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 harbor ['hɑ:bə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 港, 避难所

vt. 庇护, 藏匿, (使)入港停泊

vi. 庇护, 藏匿, (使)入港停泊

  1. This harbor is a natural harbor.
  2. Harboring criminals is an offence in law.
  3. He harbors a secret grudge against his father.


Harbor \Har"bor\, v. i.
To lodge, or abide for a time; to take shelter, as in a

For this night let's harbor here in York. --Shak.

Harbor \Har"bor\ (h[aum]r"b[~e]r), v. t. [Written also
{harbour}.] [imp. & p. p. {Harbored} (-b[~e]rd); p. pr. & vb.
n. {Harboring}.] [OE. herberen, herberwen, herbergen; cf.
Icel. herbergja. See {Harbor}, n.]
To afford lodging to; to entertain as a guest; to shelter; to
receive; to give a refuge to; to indulge or cherish (a
thought or feeling, esp. an ill thought); as, to harbor a

Any place that harbors men. --Shak.

The bare suspicion made it treason to harbor the person
suspected. --Bp. Burnet.

Let not your gentle breast harbor one thought of
outrage. --Rowe.

Harbor \Har"bor\ (h[aum]r"b[~e]r), n. [Written also {harbour}.]
[OE. herbor, herberwe, herberge, Icel. herbergi (cf. OHG.
heriberga), orig., a shelter for soldiers; herr army + bjarga
to save, help, defend; akin to AS. here army, G. heer, OHG.
heri, Goth. harjis, and AS. beorgan to save, shelter, defend,
G. bergen. See {Harry}, {2d Bury}, and cf. {Harbinger}.]
1. A station for rest and entertainment; a place of security
and comfort; a refuge; a shelter.

[A grove] fair harbour that them seems. --Spenser.

For harbor at a thousand doors they knocked.

2. Specif.: A lodging place; an inn. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

3. (Astrol.) The mansion of a heavenly body. [Obs.]

4. A portion of a sea, a lake, or other large body of water,
either landlocked or artificially protected so as to be a
place of safety for vessels in stormy weather; a port or

5. (Glass Works) A mixing box for materials.

{Harbor dues} (Naut.), fees paid for the use of a harbor.

{Harbor seal} (Zo["o]l.), the common seal.

{Harbor watch}, a watch set when a vessel is in port; an
anchor watch.

  1. A day after declaring himself to be a life-long environmentalist, the Republican nominee traveled to Massachusetts and took a boat tour of the harbor _ an event aimed at making its pollution problems an embarrassment for the governor.
  2. The legislation would continue to fund construction of some 400 dams and harbor and irrigation projects where work has begun, and maintain hundreds of others already in operation.
  3. Highlighting Bush's pro-defense stance, two aircraft carriers rested at anchor across the harbor as the vice president spoke to a sun-drenched Labor Day audience of several hundred people outside a wholesale fish company.
  4. During the Voinovich and Forbes era, the Cleveland skyline expanded with office towers, a Lake Erie harbor project and the start-ups of two bank skyscrapers, hotels, a shopping mecca and a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
  5. Dukakis aides and allies said they were considering a harbor event of their own to answer the expected Bush attacks on Dukakis' handling of the harbor project.
  6. Dukakis aides and allies said they were considering a harbor event of their own to answer the expected Bush attacks on Dukakis' handling of the harbor project.
  7. When Fanny, the beautiful teen-aged heroine, sails into Boston harbor, she hears church bells "very feeble, not like English bells."
  8. Up to 1,000 barges are sidelined in the St. Louis harbor, a 20-mile section of the river, below a huge ice bridge that has formed just north of the city at the confluence of the Missouri River, according to the Coast Guard.
  9. Baltimore, a 12-hour sail up the bay from the Atlantic Ocean, once was insulated from hard times by its position as the harbor closest to the nation's industrial heartland.
  10. The Valdez dock area collapsed into the harbor when 95-foot waves lashed the waterfront.
  11. Rifle-toting soldiers in riot gear and steel helmets were deployed today at the harbor, the bus station, the seafront National Assembly building, the headquarters of the ruling party, and the courtyard of the national radio and television service.
  12. Panamanians still wait by the harbor and watch the horizon, looking for the proverbial U.S. fleet to sail in.
  13. The woman might look out of place aboard a boat in a Western harbor, but yachting clothes are practically unknown in the Soviet Far East.
  14. But an effective extradition program could certainly let drug terrorists know that they will find no safe harbor from U.S. law in Colombia.
  15. American Dredging Co., Camden, N.J., won a $400,000 contract to survey Kuwait's Ak Shu'aibah harbor.
  16. The Valdez, assisted by tugboats, was expected to come into the bay on its own power under the guidance of senior San Diego harbor pilot Capt.
  17. Residents in Baku said in telephone interviews that they had heard there was a 40-minute gun battle in the harbor.
  18. Before the escorts started, Navy divers hauled about a dozen mines out of Kuwait's harbor.
  19. He said the tea and debris from the boxes would be removed from the already polluted harbor by a Boston Tea Party Ship and Museum employee in a canoe.
  20. The Investment Company Institute, the funds' trade group, proposes a "safe harbor" compromise in which 22% of total expenses pass through to investors as taxable income.
  21. "God will curse and scorch with hellfire the pale faces which harbor evil for the nation.
  22. "I arrived last night so I could make" one of the thrice-monthly harbor tours.
  23. While the Valdez is off the coast Monday, the Coast Guard will conduct a final inspection before clearing the ship to enter the harbor.
  24. Geagea's speedboats are blockading a three-mile coastal strip at Dbaye, between Beirut and Jounieh, where Aoun's forces have set up a makeshift harbor to try to bring in military supplies.
  25. The coast guard said the missing vessel, the Marilyn, reported engine trouble en route from Manila to Tacloban City and could have taken shelter in an isolated harbor.
  26. Private talks were held Monday and Tuesday under tight security at the U.S. Coast Guard base on Governors Island in New York harbor.
  27. However, he then promised that the voyage would begin by early Saturday morning from Greece's main Piraeus harbor, saying a boat had been found.
  28. A week-old strike by more than 10,000 shipping and harbor workers widened Tuesday and the nation's largest steel plant said it only had a few hours of fuel, the state news agency Rompres reported.
  29. A photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope shows a galaxy seen only as fuzzy ball by telescopes on Earth is actually so tightly packed with stars that it may harbor a black hole at its center, NASA said Wednesday.
  30. Isn't that sad." The state is under a court order to clean the harbor, where the city of Boston and surrounding towns have dumped sewage for hundreds of years.
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