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 handler ['hændlɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 处理者, 操作者, 拳击教练

[经] 管理者

  1. He was returned full of enthusiasm for Handler College.
  2. RPC from core client to file upload handler.
  3. PROFESSIONAL HANDLER: Someone who handles a dog for a fee.

[ noun ]
  1. one who trains or exhibits animals

  2. <noun.person>
  3. an agent who handles something or someone

  4. <noun.person>
    the senator's campaign handlers
  5. (sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team

  6. <noun.person>

handler \handler\ n.
1. one who trains or exhibits animals.

Syn: animal trainer.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. someone in charge of training an athlete (especially a
boxer) or a team.

Note: The term is used sometimes sarcastically of political
consultants: ``the president's handlers''.

Syn: coach, manager.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

  1. They range from a driver ramming a baggage cart into the side of a plane to a handler thrusting baggage containers so hard that they dent the cargo bin.
  2. Welz was stabbed, clubbed and kicked during his career but remained fearless, his handler said.
  3. "We brought close to 200 pounds of beaver meat with us," said Rollin Welch, handler for Graham, who also didn't finish the race. "It's a high-protein meat.
  4. Pat Yessel, Pittsburgh, Pa., handler of the Golden Retreiver, Rubble.
  5. "That's all been thrown away," he said. "I am my own handler, and if you have any questions, ask me."
  6. A police dog attacked and fatally wounded his handler's 2-week-old daughter in the infant's bassinet, authorities said Wednesday.
  7. CHEMICAL Waste Manage-ment, the Illinois-based handler of hazardous waste, is to reduce its workforce by more than one-fifth.
  8. In the year-earlier period, the hazardous-materials handler had net income of $2.5 million, or eight cents a share.
  9. "He even borrowed $300 from his mother to give to the rattlesnake handler after he saw the snake," Hall said.
  10. A police helicopter, a professional wildcat handler and about 40 police officers joined in the search before the last escaped animal, a 40-pound black leopard, was captured Wednesday night.
  11. At night, he checks into a luxury hotel for a long soak in the tub of his handler, Julie Perreten.
  12. Lawrence Favio, an airport baggage handler, was driving home for a dinner break at 8:46 p.m. when a sheet of flaming metal smashed into his Thunderbird.
  13. The handler suffered a slight injury.
  14. THERE IS a vision, which makes the periphery the centre, which changes the shape of European trade flows and which restores rail to the prime position as a handler of freight.
  15. A self-taught snake handler whose discovery of the mistake led to a tri-state snake alarm said he tried to tell people but initially no one would listen, Newsday reported Sunday.
  16. A baggage handler was trapped in the luggage compartment.
  17. The Indiana senator declared Wednesday that he was fed up with the rigid control and anonymous sniping from Bush aides and is now "my own handler." "It was a very controlled environment.
  18. Officials at the African theme park have agreed to sell Casey, the 17-year-old elephant that killed handler Joe Allen, 34, Sunday as he led the elephant back to its pen.
  19. "That is a very dangerous and concerning revelation, that he was warned by his KGB handler after the United States government had begun its investigation," diGenova said.
  20. Cohen, a former Air Force load handler, and the other men spent the rest of the hot dusty day carfully loading and rearranging four sand-colored Chevy Custom Deluxe four-wheel drives that will fly over to the Mideast aboard the same plane as the men.
  21. Mr. Carter, of course, liked to play everything from pilot to baggage handler.
  22. When Darryll is 8, Pontes said, he will be sent back to California, deprogrammed, then returned to Rhode Island and given to handler Clarence Cornell as a pet.
  23. Officer Mike Maloney, a canine handler, said he administered mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
  24. John Frazier, director of agricultural commodity trading with Gerald Inc. in Chicago, said Continental Grain Co. was the only major commercial grain handler to post soybean delivery notices Tuesday.
  25. In a court affidavit last week, police Brig. Floris Mostert described Botha as the "handler" for Donald Acheson, who is held in Windhoek awaiting trial for Lubowksi's murder.
  26. But as long as the most sought after jobs in Moscow are customs inspector, airport baggage handler and import license official, we will know that there is a lot more to the problem of feeding the former Soviets than simply shipping them food.
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