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 hacksaw ['hæk`sɔ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 弓锯, 钢锯

[化] 弓锯

  1. Their face went white when- with a totally straight face– I pulled out a hacksaw and started walking towards them.... menacingly.

[ noun ]
saw used with one hand for cutting metal

  1. "There's no doubt in my mind that they used a hacksaw blade in order to cut out," Waller said Friday.
  2. Deputies said the men used a hammer, srewdriver and hacksaw to dismantle a light fixture in their cell block and crawl through a ventilation shaft.
  3. Architect Dan MacMillan said the bars were supposed to be impervious to normal hacksaw blades.
  4. During the weekend, a telephone cable was cut with a hacksaw in New Hampshire, disrupting service to about 600 customers in Auburn, New England Telephone reported Sunday.
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