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 gutting ['gʌtiŋ添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. He's a real greedy guts.
  2. Dukakis has a history of enduring, even excelling at, hardball campaigns. This one follows a classic pattern: Be positive long enough for voters to get to know you. Then go for the gut.

Gut \Gut\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Gutted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To take out the bowels from; to eviscerate.

2. To plunder of contents; to destroy or remove the interior
or contents of; as, a mob gutted the house.

Tom Brown, of facetious memory, having gutted a
name of its vowels, used it as freely as he pleased.

  1. A guard was arrested Wednesday for allegedly torching the historic Universal Studios backlot, gutting sets used for "Dick Tracy," "Back to the Future" and an unfinished Sylvester Stallone movie.
  2. To reach some arms control agreement, gutting the president's strategic defense initiative.
  3. The debate over the stealth bomber appropriation is scheduled to reach the House floor this week as members consider amendments that range from gutting the program to less crippling reductions in funding.
  4. Unfortunately, Congress's gutting of bank reform last week stripped away the new powers section of the bills and left only tougher supervision, destroying the balance of the original proposal.
  5. Shellfire blanketed Beirut on Friday, smashing apartments, setting woodlands ablaze and gutting the hilltop Casino de Liban, a relic of the days when this devastated city was the playground of the Middle East.
  6. Justice Byron R. White, another conservative, joined the court's four liberals in the affirmative action decisions and in gutting political patronage.
  7. Hollywood tourists took a close-up look Wednesday at a scene of destruction requiring no special effects: the gutting of the Universal Studios backlot.
  8. He thought that gutting an old building and completely renovating the interior was the only way to go.
  9. Those who claim public disclosure equals "gutting" OIRA have a rather large burden of proof on their shoulders.
  10. With a lot of interior work still planned for the old pavilions, the museum expects to keep gutting and growing for another decade.
  11. Police said attackers fired a rocket-propelled grenade into a hotel in Syrian-controlled Moslem west Beirut during the night, gutting an unoccupied third floor room.
  12. FIRE swept through Pakistan's parliament yesterday, gutting the National Assembly (lower house) chamber on the eve of a session, Reuter reports from Islamabad.
  13. A court threw out the racketeering convictions of all six defendants in the Princeton/Newport fraud case, gutting an effort by prosecutors to expand the use of federal racketeering law against white-collar crime.
  14. A few yards down the dock from Mr. Thurber, Michael Miller, a research specialist from the University of Wisconsin, is busy gutting fish.
  15. The first week of October epitomized the city's struggle to limit spending without gutting services.
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