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 gunpowder ['gʌn`paʊdɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 火药

[化] 有烟火药; 火药

  1. The rebels were short of gunpowder.
  2. Sulfur can be used to make gunpowder.
  3. Sulphur can be used to make gunpowder.

[ noun ]
a mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur in a 75:15:10 ratio which is used in gunnery, time fuses, and fireworks

Gunpowder \Gun"pow`der\, n. (Chem.)
A black, granular, explosive substance, consisting of an
intimate mechanical mixture of saltpeter, charcoal, and
sulphur. It is used in gunnery and blasting.

Note: Gunpowder consists of from 70 to 80 per cent of niter,
with 10 to 15 per cent of each of the other
ingredients. Its explosive energy is due to the fact
that it contains the necessary amount of oxygen for its
own combustion, and liberates gases (chiefly nitrogen
and carbon dioxide), which occupy a thousand or fifteen
hundred times more space than the powder which
generated them.

{Gunpowder pile driver}, a pile driver, the hammer of which
is thrown up by the explosion of gunpowder.

{Gunpowder plot} (Eng. Hist.), a plot to destroy the King,
Lords, and Commons, in revenge for the penal laws against
Catholics. As Guy Fawkes, the agent of the conspirators,
was about to fire the mine, which was placed under the
House of Lords, he was seized, Nov. 5, 1605. Hence, Nov. 5
is known in England as {Guy Fawkes Day}.

{Gunpowder tea}, a species of fine green tea, each leaf of
which is rolled into a small ball or pellet.

Explosive \Ex*plo"sive\, n.
1. An explosive agent; a compound or mixture susceptible of a
rapid chemical reaction, as {gunpowder}, {TNT},
{dynamite}, or {nitro-glycerine}.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. A sound produced by an explosive impulse of the breath;
(Phonetics) one of consonants p, b, t, d, k, g, which are
sounded with a sort of explosive power of voice.

Note: [See Guide to Pronunciation, [root] 155-7, 184.]

  1. Speculation has focused on faulty gunpowder, inadequate training and a crewman who may have set the blast to commit suicide.
  2. Rubin also suggested that the gunpowder in the bags was volatile because it was improperly stored and subjected to high temperatures. The Navy has denied that storage conditions had anything to do with the explosion.
  3. "Then I got it, too," Heugel said in a 1974 interview with The Detroit News. "I remember getting hit and smelling the gunpowder and then falling over backward.
  4. But he told reporters at a Pentagon briefing that an air system to clear debris from the breech must be operated manually, raising the possibility that the procedure was overlooked before fresh gunpowder was loaded into the gun during a firing exercise.
  5. A search also found three foot-long steel canisters packed with gunpowder and lead shot.
  6. The Navy issued a report Sept. 7 that concluded gunner's mate Clayton Hartwig "most likely" caused the April 19 explosion by inserting some type of detonator between bags of gunpowder in one of the ship's 16-inch guns.
  7. Millions have worn uniforms and served with distinction in many critically important ways, but only a small portion of those uniforms ever reeked of gunpowder or were splattered by friends' gore.
  8. The 10-week probe, with FBI assistance, ruled out unstable gunpowder or flaws in the mechanical or electrical systems in the gun turrets where the explosion occurred, said NBC News and today's editions of The New York Times.
  9. Agents took a package and pieces of cardboard, apparently covered with gunpowder residue, from the Kroger.
  10. Hartwig could have inserted a homemade detonator between bags of gunpowder in the breech of the turret's center 16-inch gun, NBC said.
  11. Citing an "unexplained ignition" of bags of gunpowder during testing, Navy Secretary Garrett called for the renewed investigation into the April 1989 blast, in which 47 sailors were killed.
  12. Police said they found gunpowder and other explosives there.
  13. The cause of the midday blast has not been determined, although police spokesman Christian Capelle said a spark might have touched off gunpowder residue in the air and on the floor.
  14. The Pentagon said it was reopening the investigation and ordering an end to the firing of 16-inch guns aboard all battleships after the "unexplained ignition" of bags of gunpowder during testing at Sandia National Laboratory in New Mexico.
  15. NBC reported a witness told investigators that Hartwig showed off a $15 timer available in hobby stores and said that if it were rigged to a battery it could set off the ship's gunpowder and start a chain of explosions.
  16. Explosions leveled three buildings at a gunpowder plant Saturday, injuring at least 18 people, blowing out windows in nearby towns and shaking houses up to 13 miles away.
  17. In the new experiment, five 96-pound bags filled with gunpowder pellets were dropped vertically with weights on top of them, recreating the tremendous forces that ram the bags into the chamber of a 16-inch naval rifle.
  18. Truitt also has suggested the explosion may have been caused by inexperienced sailors pushing bags of gunpowder too quickly into the gun's breech.
  19. The official cause was unknown, but fire investigators suspect a spark may have ignited gunpowder used to make bullets, he said. Ottawa is about 70 miles southwest of Chicago.
  20. But Truitt's attorney, Ellis Rubin, said on "Nightline" that he believed the explosion may have been caused by an inexperienced crew working with gunpowder that he contended was unstable because it was stored improperly.
  21. Last year, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Customs Service seized so many Chinese fireworks for bad labels, short fuses or gunpowder overloads that the industry had to shut down for a time.
  22. Nutmeg is often sprinkled on top (Blackbeard would drink his rum with a tincture of gunpowder).
  23. The prosecution had no murder weapon, no fingerprints, nor any trace of gunpowder stains on Pettersson's clothes to link him to the crime, Liljeros said.
  24. The Navy concluded in its September report that Hartwig "most likely" caused the explosion by inserting some type of detonator between bags of gunpowder in one of the ship's 16-inch guns.
  25. Because of the many improper procedures found aboard the Iowa, such as the gunpowder experiments, it has been left to Adm.
  26. The Navy, in its report on the blast, concluded that Hartwig "most likely" caused the explosion by inserting some type of detonator between bags of gunpowder in one of the ship's 16-inch guns.
  27. The Chinese are believed to have invented gunpowder, the main ingredient in fireworks, in the 9th century.
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