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 goodwill ['gʊd'wɪl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 友好, 好意, 善意, 亲善, (企业享有的)信誉, 声誉

[经] (企业的)商誉, 信誉

  1. Given sufficient goodwill on both sides, there's no reason why this dispute shouldn't be resolved.
  2. We paid 1000 dollars for the shop, plus 200 dollars for goodwill.
  3. An earnest gesture of goodwill.

[ noun ]
  1. (accounting) an intangible asset valued according to the advantage or reputation a business has acquired (over and above its tangible assets)

  2. <noun.possession>
  3. the friendly hope that something will succeed

  4. <noun.feeling>
  5. a disposition to kindness and compassion

  6. <noun.attribute>
    the victor's grace in treating the vanquished

  1. But Iran has said Western gestures of goodwill could prompt Iran to further help obtain the hostages' freedom.
  2. "The present acceleration of history is one in which the partnership is being put to a test," he said, adding that the two nations would pass the test because of their common interests and U.S. goodwill.
  3. Schmidt was released in September in what his captors said was a goodwill gesture, but Cordes remains a hostage.
  4. Schmidt was released by his captors in September in what they said was a "goodwill gesture," but Cordes is still being held.
  5. HonFed has since paid down its goodwill assets to $80 million, using cash from earnings.
  6. For a paper deal worth a mere Pounds 105m, ADT now claims to have written off as goodwill the sum of Dollars 278m.
  7. The official Xinhua news agency said Monday that Zhao left Sunday by special train for Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, on a goodwill visit.
  8. This is a shame, because Mr. Bush's goodwill among minorities gives him a chance to shape a new and better civil-rights consensus.
  9. For example, WWM's Pounds 106.5m purchase of Wimpey Waste Management in October 1991 led to goodwill write-offs of nearly Pounds 100m after fair value adjustments.
  10. Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati, meanwhile, proposed resuming peace talks with Iraq in the third week of April "to show our goodwill," IRNA reported.
  11. Mrs. Marcos refused to say where she gets her money, allowing only that "millions" of dollars in legal and medical bills remain unpaid and that she relies on the goodwill of friends to stay afloat.
  12. With goodwill and support from all, the Angolan case could be Africa's success story this year, second only to the release in February of South Africa's foremost nationalist, Nelson Mandela.
  13. Kissinger arrived Friday afternoon on what the Chinese described as a goodwill visit at the invitation of the Foreign Ministry.
  14. The president has said goodwill begets goodwill.
  15. The president has said goodwill begets goodwill.
  16. Lebanon and Syria are pressing for the release of two German aid workers, the last western hostages held in Lebanon, as a goodwill gesture by their pro-Iranian captors.
  17. Actor Lloyd Bridges, a goodwill ambassador for CARE International, is spending a week here for a tour of drought relief and development projects in eastern and central Ethiopia.
  18. Abernathy said Savimbi deserved U.S. support from "the black people of America and the world, and white people of goodwill and all mankind" in his effort to bring peace to Angola.
  19. The managing board has set a target of DM 530 million net sales and DM 44 million profit (before depreciation of goodwill and interest expense for the acquisition) for the Group in 2000.
  20. I welcome the release of Polhill and Reed, but I can't rejoice and say that my heart is full of great goodwill as long as six others are held hostage.
  21. His sincerity and quiet charm made him a goodwill ambassador for the city.
  22. It is the US, rather than Japan, that is dependent on the goodwill of foreign investors.
  23. Ioptex, which makes eye implants, is being sold to Allergan, of California. As a Pounds 141m goodwill write-off was made against reserves at the time of the Ioptex purchase, shareholders' funds will fall by only Pounds 7m.
  24. "We hope this goodwill gesture will awaken the conscience of Western nations to support the causes of the oppressed, especially the people of Palestine, who are subjected to daily killings and destruction," it said.
  25. Israel's army released 148 Palestinian prisoners in the occupied Gaza Strip in what the military called a goodwill gesture toward Arabs during a four-day Moslem feast.
  26. Dukakis also scored well in the goodwill category.
  27. It would yield an exceptional profit of about Pounds 75m in this year's accounts, after a Pounds 33m charge for goodwill previously written off to reserves.
  28. Chubb spokeswoman Gail Devlin said last week that the company had made $11 million in goodwill payments to drought insurance applicants and planned no additional payments.
  29. Clark said he plans to present the giant collection of postcards to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev as a goodwill gesture.
  30. IBM established an office in Moscow in the mid-1970s but, until recently, trade restrictions have limited its role to representation and goodwill.
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