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 good form 添加此单词到默认生词本

    good form
    [ noun ]
    behavior that conforms to social conventions of the time
    it is not good form to brag about winning

    Form \Form\ (f[=o]rm; in senses 8 & 9, often f[=o]rm in
    England), n. [OE. & F. forme, fr. L. forma; cf. Skr.
    dhariman. Cf. {Firm}.]
    1. The shape and structure of anything, as distinguished from
    the material of which it is composed; particular
    disposition or arrangement of matter, giving it
    individuality or distinctive character; configuration;
    figure; external appearance.

    The form of his visage was changed. --Dan. iii.

    And woven close close, both matter, form, and style.

    2. Constitution; mode of construction, organization, etc.;
    system; as, a republican form of government.

    3. Established method of expression or practice; fixed way of
    proceeding; conventional or stated scheme; formula; as, a
    form of prayer.

    Those whom form of laws
    Condemned to die. --Dryden.

    4. Show without substance; empty, outside appearance; vain,
    trivial, or conventional ceremony; conventionality;
    formality; as, a matter of mere form.

    Though well we may not pass upon his life
    Without the form of justice. --Shak.

    5. Orderly arrangement; shapeliness; also, comeliness;
    elegance; beauty.

    The earth was without form and void. --Gen. i. 2.

    He hath no form nor comeliness. --Is. liii. 2.

    6. A shape; an image; a phantom.

    7. That by which shape is given or determined; mold; pattern;

    8. A long seat; a bench; hence, a rank of students in a
    school; a class; also, a class or rank in society.
    ``Ladies of a high form.'' --Bp. Burnet.

    9. The seat or bed of a hare.

    As in a form sitteth a weary hare. --Chaucer.

    10. (Print.) The type or other matter from which an
    impression is to be taken, arranged and secured in a

    11. (Fine Arts) The boundary line of a material object. In
    (painting), more generally, the human body.

    12. (Gram.) The particular shape or structure of a word or
    part of speech; as, participial forms; verbal forms.

    13. (Crystallog.) The combination of planes included under a
    general crystallographic symbol. It is not necessarily a
    closed solid.

    14. (Metaph.) That assemblage or disposition of qualities
    which makes a conception, or that internal constitution
    which makes an existing thing to be what it is; -- called
    essential or substantial form, and contradistinguished
    from matter; hence, active or formative nature; law of
    being or activity; subjectively viewed, an idea;
    objectively, a law.

    15. Mode of acting or manifestation to the senses, or the
    intellect; as, water assumes the form of ice or snow. In
    modern usage, the elements of a conception furnished by
    the mind's own activity, as contrasted with its object or
    condition, which is called the matter; subjectively, a
    mode of apprehension or belief conceived as dependent on
    the constitution of the mind; objectively, universal and
    necessary accompaniments or elements of every object
    known or thought of.

    16. (Biol.) The peculiar characteristics of an organism as a
    type of others; also, the structure of the parts of an
    animal or plant.

    {Good form} or {Bad form}, the general appearance, condition
    or action, originally of horses, afterwards of persons;
    as, the members of a boat crew are said to be in good form
    when they pull together uniformly. The phrases are further
    used colloquially in description of conduct or manners in
    society; as, it is not good form to smoke in the presence
    of a lady.

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