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 glib [glɪb]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 能说善道的, 流畅的

  1. A glib salesman sell her a set of dish that she do not want.
  2. He has a glib tongue.
  3. This may be too glib

glibber, glibbest
[ adj ]
  1. marked by lack of intellectual depth

  2. <adj.all>
    glib generalizations
    a glib response to a complex question
  3. having only superficial plausibility

  4. <adj.all>
    glib promises
    a slick commercial
  5. artfully persuasive in speech

  6. <adj.all>
    a glib tongue
    a smooth-tongued hypocrite

Glib \Glib\, v. t.
To make glib. [Obs.] --Bp. Hall.

Glib \Glib\, n. [Ir. & Gael. glib a lock of hair.]
A thick lock of hair, hanging over the eyes. [Obs.]

The Irish have, from the Scythians, mantles and long
glibs, which is a thick curied bush of hair hanging
down over their eyes, and monstrously disguising them.

Their wild costume of the glib and mantle. --Southey.

Glib \Glib\, v. t. [Cf. O. & Prov. E. lib to castrate, geld,
Prov. Dan. live, LG. & OD. lubben.]
To castrate; to geld; to emasculate. [Obs.] --Shak.

Glib \Glib\ (gl[i^]b), a. [Compar. {Glibber} (gl[i^]b"b[~e]r);
superl. {Glibbest} (gl[i^]b"b[e^]st).] [Prob. fr. D.
glibberen, glippen, to slide, glibberig, glipperig, glib,
1. Smooth; slippery; as, ice is glib. [Obs.]

2. Speaking or spoken smoothly and with flippant rapidity;
fluent; voluble; as, a glib tongue; a glib speech.

I want that glib and oily art,
To speak and purpose not. --Shak.

Syn: Slippery; smooth; fluent; voluble; flippant.

  1. Nonetheless, to cite these isolated examples and to mix in some glib perjoratives such as "fashion" and "chic" to besmirch one of the few support systems our government has to assist the individual artist is unfortunate in the extreme.
  2. But in the viewing it seems less like an advance, more like a walk off a tall cliff into a chasm of glib misanthropic and misogynistic generalities.
  3. If you're selling a giant computer system to a company, you don't show up at the second meeting with the same pie-in-the-sky promises or glib swipes at your competition.
  4. At first glance Flipper seems the glib successful striver, well-dressed and self-satisfied.
  5. Leaving aside the primitive historicizing, how does such a glib equation fit into a context striving for fine discriminations?
  6. Mr. Ford leaves it to the glib lecher who seduces Mom to provide the novel's attempts at insight into her behavior. "Sometimes you have to do the wrong thing just to know you're alive," he says.
  7. But the writing sustains a glib, cheerful zip even through the many banal situations.
  8. Last August, Apple Computer Inc. introduced a computer program called Hypercard for its popular Macintosh computer that was so unusual even the company's usually glib publicity machine admitted having trouble describing it.
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