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 gleaning ['glinɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拾落穗, 落穗, 收拾零星材料

  1. Some children helped them glean in the fields.
  2. I have spent the whole week gleaning through the library.
  3. I have spent the whole week gleaning through the library.

Glean \Glean\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Gleaned}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Gleaning}.] [OE. glenen, OF. glener, glaner, F. glaner, fr.
LL. glenare; cf. W. glan clean, glanh?u to clean, purify, or
AS. gelm, gilm, a hand?ul.]
1. To gather after a reaper; to collect in scattered or
fragmentary parcels, as the grain left by a reaper, or
grapes left after the gathering.

To glean the broken ears after the man
That the main harvest reaps. --Shak.

2. To gather from (a field or vineyard) what is left.

3. To collect with patient and minute labor; to pick out; to

Content to glean what we can from . . . experiments.

Gleaning \Glean"ing\, n.
The act of gathering after reapers; that which is collected
by gleaning.

Glenings of natural knowledge. --Cook.

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