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 glaze [glez]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 釉, 上光, 光滑面

vt. 装以玻璃, 上釉于

vi. 变得光滑, (目光)变呆滞

[化] 珐琅; 釉

[医] 釉料, 瓷釉

  1. He is glazing the table.
  2. His eyes glazed over and he fell back unconscious.
  3. The glaze of the table was scratched.

[ noun ]
  1. any of various thin shiny (savory or sweet) coatings applied to foods

  2. <noun.food>
  3. a glossy finish on a fabric

  4. <noun.attribute>
  5. a coating for ceramics, metal, etc.

  6. <noun.attribute>
[ verb ]
  1. coat with a glaze

  2. <verb.contact>
    the potter glazed the dishes
    glaze the bread with eggwhite
  3. become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance

  4. <verb.change> glass glass over glaze over
    Her eyes glaze over when she is bored
  5. furnish with glass

  6. <verb.possession>
    glass the windows
  7. coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze

  8. <verb.perception>
    candy sugarcoat

Glaze \Glaze\ (gl[=a]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Glazed}
(gl[=a]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Glazing}.] [OE. glasen, glazen,
fr. glas. See {Glass}.]
1. To furnish (a window, a house, a sash, a case, etc.) with

Two cabinets daintily paved, richly handed, and
glazed with crystalline glass. --Bacon.

2. To incrust, cover, or overlay with a thin surface,
consisting of, or resembling, glass; as, to glaze
earthenware; hence, to render smooth, glasslike, or
glossy; as, to glaze paper, gunpowder, and the like.

Sorrow's eye glazed with blinding tears. --Shak.

3. (Paint.) To apply thinly a transparent or semitransparent
color to (another color), to modify the effect.

4. (Cookery) To cover (a donut, cupcake, meat, etc.) with a
thin layer of edible syrup, or other substance which may
solidify to a glossy coating. The material used for
glazing is usually sweet or highly flavored.

Glaze \Glaze\, v. i.
To become glazed of glassy.

Glaze \Glaze\, n.
1. The vitreous coating of pottery or porcelain; anything
used as a coating or color in glazing. See {Glaze}, v. t.,
3. --Ure.

2. (Cookery) Broth reduced by boiling to a gelatinous paste,
and spread thinly over braised dishes.

3. A glazing oven. See {Glost oven}.

Glost oven \Glost" ov`en\
An oven in which glazed pottery is fired; -- also called
{glaze kiln}, or {glaze}.

  1. Eyes glaze over when monetarists talk about base money, velocity or purchasing power parity.
  2. Tell-tale signs include a tendency for the eyes to glaze over and the head to nod uncontrollably up and down.
  3. "People think about the Constitution and their eyes glaze over," she says.
  4. They had a thin brown or yellow glaze.
  5. Have you examined the side-walls for damage? I can guess the answer and your conscience should be pricking just a little. At the mention of tyres, most motorists' eyes glaze over.
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