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 glassed-in 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Taking 2,300 passengers weekly round the Caribbean, it is still very stylish, with glassed-in decks of shops and cafes.
    2. Around Mother's Day I started transplanting my tomato plants, Supersteaks that I had started from seed on my glassed-in back porch.
    3. The dolphin, one of three in the glassed-in tank with other marine mammals, began having problems late Monday and a veterinarian was called, Dreyer said.
    4. The animals also spend some time, two or three at a time, in an elaborate glassed-in habitat at the Mirage, where millions of people have viewed the animals since the hotel opened in November 1989.
    5. "Border guards," said Walter, the young waiter in the Grand Hotel's glassed-in coffee shop. "They're under a lot less tension now.
    6. The house is flanked by gardens, but also has its own glassed-in winter garden, with a fountain gushing over jasmine and moss-covered rocks.
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