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 gimp [gimp]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 绒丝带, 花边, (用金属丝做心的)丝制钓绳, 精神, 瘸子

vi. 跛行

vt. 用镶边带装饰

[电] 棉带

    [ noun ]
    1. disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet

    2. <noun.state>
    [ verb ]
    1. walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury

    2. <verb.motion> hitch hobble limp
      The old woman hobbles down to the store every day

    Gimp \Gimp\, a. [W. gwymp fair, neat, comely.]
    Smart; spruce; trim; nice. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]

    Gimp \Gimp\, n. [OF. guimpe, guimple, a nun's wimple, F. guimpe,
    OHG. wimpal a veil G. wimpel pennon, pendant. See {Wimple},
    A narrow ornamental fabric of silk, woolen, or cotton, often
    with a metallic wire, or sometimes a coarse cord, running
    through it; -- used as trimming for dresses, furniture, etc.

    Gimp nail, an upholsterer's small nail.

    Gimp \Gimp\, v. t.
    To notch; to indent; to jag.

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