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 germ plasm 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 种质, 胚质

    germ plasm
    [ noun ]
    the protoplasm of the germ cells that contains chromosomes and genes

    Germ plasm \Germ" plasm`\, (Biol.)
    See {Plasmogen}, and {Idioplasm}.

    Chromatin \Chro"ma*tin\, n. (Biol.)
    The deeply staining substance of the nucleus and chromosomes
    of eukaryotic cells, composed of DNA and basic proteins (such
    as histones), the DNA of which comprises the predominant
    physical basis of inheritance. It was, at the beginning of
    the 20th century, supposed to be the same substance as was
    then termed {idioplasm} or {germ plasm}. In most eukaryotic
    cells, there is also DNA in certain plasmids, such as
    mitochondria, or (in plant cells) chloroplasts; but with the
    exception of these cytoplasmic genetic factors, the nuclear
    DNA of the chromatin is believed to contain all the genetic
    information required to code for the development of an adult
    organism. In the interphase nucleus the chromosomes are
    dispersed, but during cell division or meiosis they are
    condensed into the individually recognizable chromosomes. The
    set of chromosomes, or a photographic representation of the
    full set of chromosomes of a cell (often ordered for
    presentation) is called a karyotype.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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