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 geometric [,dʒiәu'metrik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 几何学的, 几何学上的, 几何学图形的

  1. Romanian-born sculptor who settled in Paris in1904. He broke sharply with the realist tradition, making abstract sculptures, chiefly in metal and stone, of great geometric simplicity.
  2. Not situated at or in the geometric center.
  3. A geometric element that generates a geometric figure, especially a straight line that generates a surface by moving in a specified fashion.

[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to or determined by geometry

  2. <adj.pert>
  3. characterized by simple geometric forms in design and decoration

  4. <adj.all>
    a buffalo hide painted with red and black geometric designs

Geometric \Ge`o*met"ric\, Geometrical \Ge`o*met"ric*al\, a. [L.
geometricus; Gr. ?: cf. F. g['e]om['e]trique.]
1. Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of,
geometry; determined by geometry; as, a geometrical
solution of a problem.

2. (Art) characterized by simple geometric forms in design
and decoration; as, a buffalo hide painted with red and
black geometrical designs.

Syn: geometric.
[WordNet 1.5]

Note: Geometric is often used, as opposed to algebraic, to
include processes or solutions in which the
propositions or principles of geometry are made use of
rather than those of algebra.

Note: Geometrical is often used in a limited or strictly
technical sense, as opposed to mechanical; thus, a
construction or solution is geometrical which can be
made by ruler and compasses, i. e., by means of right
lines and circles. Every construction or solution which
requires any other curve, or such motion of a line or
circle as would generate any other curve, is not
geometrical, but mechanical. By another distinction, a
geometrical solution is one obtained by the rules of
geometry, or processes of analysis, and hence is exact;
while a mechanical solution is one obtained by trial,
by actual measurements, with instruments, etc., and is
only approximate and empirical.

{Geometrical curve}. Same as {Algebraic curve}; -- so called
because their different points may be constructed by the
operations of elementary geometry.

{Geometric lathe}, an instrument for engraving bank notes,
etc., with complicated patterns of interlacing lines; --
called also {cycloidal engine}.

{Geometrical pace}, a measure of five feet.

{Geometric pen}, an instrument for drawing geometric curves,
in which the movements of a pen or pencil attached to a
revolving arm of adjustable length may be indefinitely
varied by changing the toothed wheels which give motion to
the arm.

{Geometrical plane} (Persp.), the same as {Ground plane} .

{Geometrical progression}, {proportion}, {ratio}. See under
{Progression}, {Proportion} and {Ratio}.

{Geometrical radius}, in gearing, the radius of the pitch
circle of a cogwheel. --Knight.

{Geometric spider} (Zo["o]l.), one of many species of
spiders, which spin a geometrical web. They mostly belong
to {Epeira} and allied genera, as the garden spider. See
{Garden spider}.

{Geometric square}, a portable instrument in the form of a
square frame for ascertaining distances and heights by
measuring angles.

{Geometrical staircase}, one in which the stairs are
supported by the wall at one end only.

{Geometrical tracery}, in architecture and decoration,
tracery arranged in geometrical figures.

  1. It's a perfect example, an important masterpiece." The art deco district's buildings are painted pastel colors and sport geometric designs, its sidewalks are painted pink and it's often featured on NBC's "Miami Vice" television show.
  2. On a 90-mile flight from Sulaymaniyah to Arbil, geometric grids of new concrete dwellings rose along highways or on the outskirts of large towns.
  3. A separate map and smaller pocket guide covers the Metro rapid transit system. Different geometric shapes let vision-impaired visitors know not only the subway stops but what side of the platform the train comes in on.
  4. Some people at this point recognize a converging geometric series; others simply see an endless downward spiral into chaos.
  5. 'Computers like geometric, perfect worlds, and we have to fight against that.' For feature films, however, the challenge is just the opposite - making images look as real as possible.
  6. The paintings of this period are characterized by rich surfaces, extensive use of grays, and by slab-like, nearly geometric compositional structures.
  7. Young people sporting geometric haircuts dine at places like Saints & Scholars, a squeaky clean bistro located next to the university that serves mushrooms stuffed with avocado and pours out overpriced French wine.
  8. Through Cubism, which utilized cubes and other geometric shapes to create forms, the two changed modern art.
  9. More than 50 products featuring pastels and geometric designs with the Beverly Hills High School logo were to be unveiled today in Los Angeles.
  10. Now and then the effect is evocative, but more often it subsides into the prose of alternative greeting cards: "We are caught in the incomplete and hemming web called life, trying to weave a geometric sense above a void."
  11. John Paul, speaking from a pyramid-shaped altar decorated with geometric Aztec designs, embraced a decision by Latin American bishops to change the church's tradition of siding with the rich ruling classes.
  12. There are a variety of suprematist works of geometric shapes and various colors that are placed on the canvas in no clear relation to each other.
  13. One is Nintendo's Tetris, a sort of geometric jigsaw puzzle that requires players to think several moves in advance, because the positioning of one piece on the screen dictates where the next four or five will go.
  14. As soon as the concrete outer structure is completed, more than 6,000 craftsmen will go to work on the intricately sculptured interior and exterior decoration in geometric Moorish patterns.
  15. But "a design-build competition is inappropriate for a building of this complexity." Toronto architect Arthur Erickson of the John Buck Company developed a design that employs bold geometric shapes and a huge outdoor plaza.
  16. Still, "it's a very good way to go at the problem" and the approach, based on geometric work by Soviet mathematician A. Parshin, may still pay off, Renz said.
  17. The perfect little black dress in velvet or chiffon or a combination of both was the star of the show, at times worn under an extravagant floor-length white coat with black geometric embroidery.
  18. The rose gardens are the particular province of a 70-year-old convicted murderer who sculpts rows of cedar hedges into geometric shapes.
  19. The show includes examples of furniture in his early Prairie style, which featured darkened oak, and his later Usonian style, which featured light wood and geometric shapes.
  20. She constantly experiments with new designs, her latest discovery being hologram paper pasted onto nails in iridescent geometric patterns.
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