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 generosity [,dʒenә'rɒsiti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 慷慨, 宽大

  1. I appreciate your generosity in this matter.
  2. His generosity to the poor is well known.
  3. Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper.

[ noun ]
  1. the trait of being willing to give your money or time

  2. <noun.attribute>
  3. acting generously

  4. <noun.act>

Generosity \Gen`er*os"i*ty\, n. [L. generositas: cf. F.
1. Noble birth. [Obs.] --Harris (Voyages).

2. The quality of being noble; noble-mindedness.

Generosity is in nothing more seen than in a candid
estimation of other men's virtues and good
qualities. --Barrow.

3. Liberality in giving; munificence.

Syn: Magnanimity; liberality.

  1. Poulenc's generosity to younger colleagues is striking.
  2. Judging by the praises sung - his generosity, his friendship, his professionalism - Davis is on his way to a swift sainthood.
  3. In the last week or so, after staying with relatives while her husband was in Albany, she returned home and was greeted by the generosity of neighbors and friends.
  4. You all know and admire the clarity, generosity, grasp of plain science and the range of plantsmanship and gardens visited all over the world and written up to encourage us. Perhaps you are wondering why the angels needed so many phases for their purpose.
  5. Industry leaders are advancing the novel proposition that the generosity of bankers is to blame for keeping weak competitors afloat.
  6. Could the good fairy's extending her generosity to everyone enable us all to spend more?
  7. We have faith in the directors and the underlying companies.' The fact that ulterior motives might lie behind the conglomerates' willingness to engineer the necessary deals, makes their generosity good financial sense in the current climate.
  8. Emphasis on generosity dictates either that the most senior or most wealthy pays the bill or members of the group informally take turns to pay. Quotas continue to play a role once ministers have been appointed.
  9. At a stop in New Jersey, Jackson said he has helped elect many congressmen by "registering more Democrats than anybody else in history" and deserves a "return on my investment." "We're not discussing generosity.
  10. Whether at the prompting of a financial adviser to get some tax savings by shifting income to another person or solely out of generosity, many people begin transferring their property during their lifetimes.
  11. He did a lot of things for a lot of people." Jefferies' rapid rise, generosity and crashing downfall are part of the folklore of the 1980s takeover boom.
  12. Mr. Bush's newfound generosity for Boston harbor may reflect the recent election of a Republican governor in Massachusetts, or a desire on the part of the president to improve his environmental credentials going into next year's campaign.
  13. "This is an example of the generosity of juries emerging in this area," Mr. Green said.
  14. That number varies from state to state, depending on the generosity of each state's program.
  15. The generosity and dedication that have marked Mukhamedov's every role gave Viviana Durante an ideal framework.
  16. One was the traditional American generosity toward hard-pressed family farmers.
  17. Americans' generosity is being tested this holiday season as they respond to both the tragic earthquake in Soviet Armenia and needs at home that appear greater than ever.
  18. Continuing the apparent link between political generosity and ultimate financial ruin, the collapsed conglomerate, British & Commonwealth, was the first to take the democratic plunge.
  19. Although defense lawyers have tried to claim this generosity is meant to impress the judge who ultimately will sentence him, Linn denied that.
  20. In Davidson, N.C., tractor-trailers were loaded today with hay donated in return for Midwestern farmers' generosity during a drought two years ago.
  21. Cubans are bracing for tough times, the result in part of last year's democratic upheaval in Eastern Europe and the prospect that Cuba may no longer be able to count on Soviet generosity to buttress its economy.
  22. The stage is set for a bitter war of attrition. Suddenly the generosity of the German welfare state is also under attack, as the demands of the east are placed upon it.
  23. "We're really very grateful for the generosity and human spirit of these folks who we wanted to help a couple of years ago and who now are helping us in an extraordinary way," Celeste said.
  24. But investors may be optimistic if they think such generosity is a harbinger of things to come.
  25. "We have really been blessed by the people and their generosity and thoughtfulness in expressing their concern," Alyssa's mother, Teri, said Friday as she sat by her daughter's bedside.
  26. Yet few people accept such increased generosity.
  27. The bankers' case of cold feet is to some extent an outgrowth of their past generosity.
  28. Their generosity and helpfulness were instantaneous and unqualified.
  29. "Sammy was a little prince who loved everything life had to offer," said actress Shirley MacLaine. "I'll mostly miss his generosity.
  30. The public's generosity is not lost on the volunteers, such as Paul Potrok, a 26-year-old sailor who came here with several other crew members of the San Diego-based U.S.S. Schenectady.
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