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 gasket ['gæskɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 衬垫, 垫圈, 束帆索

[化] 垫圈; 垫片; 密封衬垫; 密封填料

  1. A flat ring made of rubber or plastic, used as a gasket.
  2. Bonnet Joint– encapsulated gasket design.
    (1) 阀盖连接-封装垫圈结构.
  3. Remove and replace the O-ring and gasket.

[ noun ]
seal consisting of a ring for packing pistons or sealing a pipe joint

Gasket \Gas"ket\, n. [Cf. F. garcette, It. gaschetta, Sp. cajeta
caburn, garceta reef point.]
1. (Naut.) A line or band used to lash a furled sail
securely. {Sea gaskets} are common lines; {harbor gaskets}
are plaited and decorated lines or bands. Called also

2. (Mech.)
(a) The plaited hemp used for packing a piston, as of the
steam engine and its pumps.
(b) Any ring or washer of made of a compressible material,
used to make joints impermeable to fluids.

  1. The additive, called naphtha, spewed into the waterway when a gasket blew out as workers at the General American Tank Storage Terminal in Carteret pressurized pipelines in preparing to load a vessel.
  2. "The leak was identified early in the week and the first repair plan was dropped," said spokeswoman Elaine Robinson. "They had originally planned to use a gasket to seal the leak, but later decided it needed welding.
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