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 gardener ['gɑrdənɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 园丁, 花匠, 园艺家

  1. It is said that the Frenchman may be the best gardener in the world.
  2. He got a part-time job as a gardener.
    他找到个兼职工作, 当花匠.
  3. The gardener asked me for a rotatory lawn mower.

[ noun ]
  1. someone who takes care of a garden

  2. <noun.person>
  3. someone employed to work in a garden

  4. <noun.person>

Gardener \Gar"den*er\, n.
One who makes and tends a garden; a horticulturist.

  1. The hosta's greatest enemy is not a gardener on holiday: it is our slimy friend.
  2. The head gardener at the arboretum thinks Roy might be wrong because he himself grows it on an open slope of chalk above the centre of Winchester.
  3. Mr. Hellman, the Israeli gardener, needs a military permit to reach riverside fields.
  4. It is, of course, the extra light and the reduced competition for water and food that have made the difference, and there are lessons in this for every gardener.
  5. They ought to be a town gardener's first choice for a welcome home after the summer holiday.
  6. The nun was killed in 1884 by a convent gardener who turned against religion.
  7. As a perennial, rhubarb is ideal for an elderly gardener seeking lighter chores. You plant it once; after that, it just about takes care of itself.
  8. They gave their gardener permission to butcher him, but the 4-foot-tall hog was rescued by animal control officials when his terrified squeals alerted neighbors.
  9. How do you respond to this peculiar prize without diminishing the young gardener's enthusiasm and self-esteem? "The lettuce and tomatoes are still weeks and months away, respectively, so you can't make a salad.
  10. A gardener was sentenced to 15 minutes in prison for telling a police officer there was a bomb in the president's office.
  11. Mrs. McHatton, it seems, knew the gardener at the Rockefeller estate near Bar Harbor, Maine.
  12. From the part-time gardening of my working years I've become a full-time gardener with something of a farmer's priorities.
  13. What he is is a veteran gardener who found himself face-to-face with retirement, a divorced father of four grown kids with no hobbies beyond the joys of coaxing fruit, flowers and vegetables out of the recalcitrant earth.
  14. A home gardener who has read up on the subject or had a bit of experience may be able to diagnose some plant problems: Highly visible white flies, the fine webs that spider mites leave on the underside of leaves, Japanese beetles.
  15. This neo-con gardener was won over by Spring Hill's earnest policy declaration: "Many wildflowers are becoming endangered species as they're removed from their natural habitats or their environments are destroyed.
  16. Barbie's gardener in Bolivia, where he lived in exile, says he was a nice man.
  17. They gave their gardener permission to butcher him, but Grunt was saved from becoming bacon when his frightened squeals alerted neighbors.
  18. If you're one of those people who are afraid to get your fingernails soiled or broken and you don't want to put on dirty old jeans and old sneakers and get out and dig, you're not really a gardener." Ailments keep her from doing as much now.
  19. It took six years - yet, all the yews face the same wind, the same drought and the same old Adam in the gardener.
  20. One gardener told me that he had paid Pounds 5 for one seed of a variety of a tree that he particularly wanted. If you want a plant, you will pay the price.
  21. Manivet left Charly with Miss Bardot's gardener in June.
  22. But never mind. The idea that there might be is a challenge in itself and as befits a well-known television gardener and RHS show judge, his advice is sensible and easy to follow.
  23. In San Francisco, Ms. Frankfurt, who has handled many cancer cases, cites just a couple: John Bannister was a gardener for San Francisco's Parks and Recreation Department for more than a year.
  24. It also stars Paxton Whitehead as the butler, Phil Morris as the chauffeur, Rodney Hudson as the handyman, Michael Richard as the gardener, and Linda Thorsen and Bob Frazier as the millionaire couple.
  25. About the kindest thing anyone can do for the over-wintering gardener is to present such a shut-in a good gardening book or two.
  26. The queen also gave personal honors to Sir William Heseltine, her private secretary; Frederick Waite, head gardener at her Sandringham estate with Membership in the Victorian Order, and William Oswald, her chief horse-breeder.
  27. Colin Bath said Amy, an Oriental soft shell turtle who disappeared in 1976 from Paignton Zoo, 130 miles southwest of London, was found last week hiding in a silted pond after a gardener spotted her stealing meat.
  28. His illustrations are from his own photographs, flower paintings and line drawings - a marvel to consider for Christmas. Either book would make a handsome gift for any keen gardener.
  29. It takes know-how to be a successful gardener and correcting common misconceptions can make the difference, according to plant care experts Jack Peters and Jim Knauss.
  30. A gardener who prefers his exercise on the tennis court or golf course also learns to plant sparingly.
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