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 ganglion cell 添加此单词到默认生词本

    ganglion cell
    [ noun ]
    a nerve cell whose body is outside the central nervous system
    damage to ganglion cells in the retina may play a role in the development of glaucoma

    Ganglion \Gan"gli*on\, n.; pl. L. {Ganglia}, E. {Ganglions}. [L.
    ganglion a sort of swelling or excrescence, a tumor under the
    skin, Gr. ?: cf. F. ganglion.]
    1. (Anat.)
    (a) A mass or knot of nervous matter, including nerve
    cells, usually forming an enlargement in the course of
    a nerve.
    (b) A node, or gland in the lymphatic system; as, a
    lymphatic ganglion.

    2. (Med.) A globular, hard, indolent tumor, situated
    somewhere on a tendon, and commonly formed by the effusion
    of a viscid fluid into it; -- called also {weeping sinew}.

    {Ganglion cell}, a nerve cell. See Illust. under {Bipolar}.

    nerve \nerve\ (n[~e]rv), n. [OE. nerfe, F. nerf, L. nervus, akin
    to Gr. ney^ron sinew, nerve; cf. neyra` string, bowstring;
    perh. akin to E. needle. Cf. {Neuralgia}.]
    1. (Anat.) One of the whitish and elastic bundles of fibers,
    with the accompanying tissues, which transmit nervous
    impulses between nerve centers and various parts of the
    animal body.

    Note: An ordinary nerve is made up of several bundles of
    nerve fibers, each bundle inclosed in a special sheath
    (the perineurium) and all bound together in a
    connective tissue sheath and framework (the epineurium)
    containing blood vessels and lymphatics.

    2. A sinew or a tendon. --Pope.

    3. Physical force or steadiness; muscular power and control;
    constitutional vigor.

    he led me on to mightiest deeds,
    Above the nerve of mortal arm. --Milton.

    4. Steadiness and firmness of mind; self-command in personal
    danger, or under suffering; unshaken courage and
    endurance; coolness; pluck; resolution.

    5. Audacity; assurance. [Slang]

    6. (Bot.) One of the principal fibrovascular bundles or ribs
    of a leaf, especially when these extend straight from the
    base or the midrib of the leaf.

    7. (Zo["o]l.) One of the nervures, or veins, in the wings of

    {Nerve cell} (Anat.), a neuron, one of the nucleated cells
    with which nerve fibers are connected; a {ganglion cell}
    is one type of nerve cell.

    {Nerve fiber} (Anat.), one of the fibers of which nerves are
    made up. These fibers are either {medullated} or
    {nonmedullated}. In both kinds the essential part is the
    translucent threadlike axis cylinder which is continuous
    the whole length of the fiber.

    {Nerve stretching} (Med.), the operation of stretching a
    nerve in order to remedy diseases such as tetanus, which
    are supposed to be influenced by the condition of the
    nerve or its connections.

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