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 gamma ['gæmə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 希腊语的第三个字母(Γ,γ)

[医] γ(希腊文第三个字母), 丙种, 微克(千分之一毫克)

  1. Nuclear disintegration or transformation caused by absorption of high-energy radiation, as of gamma rays.
  2. The act or process of destroying most microorganisms in certain foods, such as fish or clam meat, by irradiating them with gamma rays or other radiation to prevent spoilage.
  3. Gamma/Pedestal/Gain...

[ noun ]
  1. the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. a unit of magnetic field strength equal to one-hundred-thousandth of an oersted

  4. <noun.quantity>
  5. Portuguese navigator who led an expedition around the Cape of Good Hope in 1497; he sighted and named Natal on Christmas Day before crossing the Indian Ocean (1469-1524)

  6. <noun.person>

gamma \gam"ma\ (g[a^]m"m[.a]), n.
The third letter ([Gamma], [gamma] = Eng. G) of the Greek

  1. He disputed their claims that their device produced excess heat, or that it yielded byproducts of fusion, including helium, tritium, neutrons and gamma rays.
  2. Some supplies of the drug, the intramuscular form of gamma globulin, have been diverted for sale to the military because of Persian Gulf buildup, she said Thursday.
  3. It emits beta and gamma radiation, both of which can produce a variety of ill effects, depending on the dosage.
  4. Under the agreement, Baxter will have exclusive rights to develop and market Biogen's gamma interferon as an anti-cancer drug world-wide except in the Far East and West Germany, where Biogen is developing the drug with other partners.
  5. Nov. 1 _ Atlantis, to deploy the Gamma Ray Observatory, which will explore gamma ray sources throughout the universe.
  6. Cochran said his group would use portable devices to detect the emission of gamma rays, given off by some forms of uranium, and neutrons, given off by plutonium.
  7. Radiation Technology sterilizes surgical equipment, spices, food additives, cosmetics and other products by briefly exposing them to high-energy gamma radiation.
  8. The rods are submerged in water that absorbs radioactive neutrons and gamma rays.
  9. When injected, the substance highlights sites of inflammation in pictures taken with so-called gamma cameras, which already are widely used for different imaging purposes.
  10. Scientific interest in the data has grown since the National Research Council reported in a study last December that low-level exposures to X-rays and gamma rays pose a cancer risk three to four times greater than previously believed.
  11. The Centers for Disease Control began surveying poisoning from gamma hydroxy butyrate, or GHB, in August after San Francisco officials reported a series of poisonings resulting from use of the drug.
  12. The ability to steer and control it has improved and we use gamma radiation to locate the coal seam."
  13. Every two weeks, to assist and extend her fragile life, Celeste is given treatments of gamma globulin, blood serum that contains a high concentration of antibodies.
  14. Workers within the deadly 10-to-15 foot radius are bombarded with neutrons and gamma radiation.
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