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 gadget ['gædʒit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 小配件, 小玩意, 诡计

  1. A device or contrivance; a gadget.
  2. It's an artful little gadget for opening tins.
  3. This gadget isn't much good.

[ noun ]
a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

  1. The $50 gadget, Game Genie, was kept off the market until this fall by legal challenges from Nintendo. Galoob expects to ship one million units into stores by Christmas.
  2. There are also plenty of 'electronic organisers' on the market, but these appeal only to high-tech gadget fans. None the less, Apple faces some significant challenges.
  3. After a sales push in Singapore, the inventor and his company, Informatics Engineering, hope to export Robomom to Japan and America, then elsewhere. What a useful gadget.
  4. Sales also have been pumped up by Japan's relatively large population of gadget freaks.
  5. But no state company would consider the gadget without a prototype, and none would pay to build one.
  6. The gadget apparently is the first electric motor built with the new superconductors, said Roger Poeppel, an Argonne scientist.
  7. Mr. Surles, the graduate student, often controls his computer with a gadget called a Polhemus hand sensor, mounted in a cue ball that he waves in the air.
  8. The problem, they say, is that it has too often let old achievements blind it to the realities of a market where consumers' fickle tastes matter far more than who invented which gadget.
  9. In addition to home audio products, Sony is pushing disks into computers and video players, and last year introduced a hand-held gadget that stores volumes of books onto a compact disk.
  10. Odds and Ends JOHN HEYN, an inventor from Towson, Md., patents a tiny gadget that measures air speed to tell skiers how fast they're going, using a computer-generated voice.
  11. The new gadget has drawn mixed reviews from some major record companies, which fear it may cut into album sales, and some are not participating.
  12. When a client calls, the user presses the 'on' button, enters the name and the gadget does the rest.
  13. This gadget is ready to work at the touch of a button, without making you move out of your favorite word processor, spreadsheet or database program.
  14. As a side note, Mr. Grueter produces a little coiled gadget in a box called a "sensulator," accompanied by a set of pet rock-type instructions and a tape of a song he wrote to promote it.
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