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 fumitory ['fjumə`tɔrɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 蓝堇

    [ noun ]
    delicate European herb with greyish leaves and spikes of purplish flowers; formerly used medicinally

    Fumitory \Fu"mi*to*ry\, n. [OE. fumetere, F. fumeterre, prop.,
    smoke of the ground, fr. L. fumus smoke + terra earth. See
    {Fume}, and {Terrace}.] (Bot.)
    The common uame of several species of the genus Fumaria,
    annual herbs of the Old World, with finely dissected leaves
    and small flowers in dense racemes or spikes. {F.
    officinalis} is a common species, and was formerly used as an

    {Climbing fumitory} (Bot.), the Alleghany vine ({Adlumia
    cirrhosa}); a biennial climbing plant with elegant
    feathery leaves and large clusters of pretty white or
    pinkish flowers looking like grains of rice.

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