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 fuchsin ['fu:ksin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] (碱性)品红; 洋红

[医] 品红, 复红, 视棕黑质(视网膜色素层内)

  1. After centrifugation, broth culture precipitates were smeared and stained with fuchsin to observe the morphology change in thallus under optical microscope.

magenta \ma*gen"ta\ (m[.a]*j[e^]n"t[.a]), n. (Chem.)
An aniline dye obtained as an amorphous substance having a
green bronze surface color, which dissolves to a shade of
red; also, the color; -- so called from Magenta, in Italy, in
allusion to the battle fought there about the time the dye
was discovered. Called also {fuchsin}, {fuchsine},
{rose["i]ne}, etc.

2. The purplish-red color of magenta.

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