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n. 英尺

  1. The trees were planted at 20 ft intervals.
  2. ACROSS FT 12"
    前上胸/前胸宽 12"
  3. The men were500 ft off the ground.

[ noun ]
a linear unit of length equal to 12 inches or a third of a yard
he is six feet tall

  1. Although it has the same amount of office space as the Docklands - 10m sq ft - the vacancy rate in Croydon is just 8 per cent, compared with about 50 per cent in the Docklands.
  2. The 3.85m sq ft project on the sparsely populated east bank of the Danube is destined to become Vienna's second city centre.
  3. Its 1.4bn cu ft daily capacity would allow it to take gas from other fields.
  4. It is only 870 ft, but you climb up a path that used to be one of the oldest roads on the island.
  5. North American natural gas output slipped to 2.2m cubic feet a day, from almost 2.5m cu ft.
  6. Its current construction programme amounts to 139,000 sq ft in the UK and Canada.
  7. Phase two will provide a further 3.5m sq ft, with a Pounds 9m Lutterworth by-pass linking the site to the M1 (the developer will be paying for this). One reason for the success of Magna Park is obviously the location.
  8. Not far away is Mont St Sauveur, renowned not so much for its skiing but its village - one of the prettiest ski villages in the world. Heights: Resort 870 ft. Skiing: 3,001 ft. Difficulty of runs: Beginner 20% Intermediate 46% Advanced 34%.
  9. Not far away is Mont St Sauveur, renowned not so much for its skiing but its village - one of the prettiest ski villages in the world. Heights: Resort 870 ft. Skiing: 3,001 ft. Difficulty of runs: Beginner 20% Intermediate 46% Advanced 34%.
  10. The City of Coventry's Westwood Business Park is almost complete, now that PowerGen has taken a 126,000 sq ft headquarters.
  11. The frame, apparently made of aluminium, was a narrow cone fully 15 ft high and about 5 ft wide at the base.
  12. The frame, apparently made of aluminium, was a narrow cone fully 15 ft high and about 5 ft wide at the base.
  13. On the other side are the sunny, wide open slopes of Madrisa with predominantly relaxed skiing. Heights: Resort 3,706 ft. Skiing: 9,328 ft. Difficulty of runs: Beginner 29% Intermediate 41% Advanced 30%.
  14. On the other side are the sunny, wide open slopes of Madrisa with predominantly relaxed skiing. Heights: Resort 3,706 ft. Skiing: 9,328 ft. Difficulty of runs: Beginner 29% Intermediate 41% Advanced 30%.
  15. But then it has its 600,000 sq ft King's Park development in central Stevenage to promote, despite the fact that JLW says businesses are increasingly looking outside the South-east. One might wonder, however, why anyone is moving nowadays.
  16. 'Apart from housing and leisure interest there are 90 acres of employment land which will produce between 1m and 1.5m sq ft of space.
  17. THE Sheffield Development Corporation yesterday announced that Glenlivet Properties, a Chesterfield-based company had agreed to build up to 140,000 sq ft of offices on site between the city centre and the M1 motorway.
  18. The exact sum paid will depend 'on the outcome of a number of commercial issues.' The building, St Botolph's House in Houndsditch, is a 100,000 sq ft office and retail building that is fully let with a rent roll of Pounds 2.4m.
  19. The field, which is thought to contain 450m barrels of oil and 287bn cu ft of gas, will produce 10 per cent of the UK's oil needs when production starts in November.
  20. As the graph shows, planning permission has been granted for an additional 13.6m sq ft (1.26m sq m) of office space within the City of London.
  21. The expansion calls for completion of 180,000 sq ft of the existing building and a 1.3m sq ft addition.
  22. The expansion calls for completion of 180,000 sq ft of the existing building and a 1.3m sq ft addition.
  23. A number of Lloyd's agencies are examining ways of persuading institutional investors to back the market's business. Cigna is understood to have agreed to occupy 400 sq ft at Lloyd's, at a cost of about Pounds 50,000 per year.
  24. In the late 1980s rents for offices were as low as Pounds 7 a sq ft compared with Pounds 15 for Birmingham.
  25. One is a 6,200 sq ft partially let office building in Birmingham, the other a 135,000 sq ft industrial estate in Mitcham, Surrey. A review of the company's portfolio had resulted in a valuation marginally up on the previous year at Pounds 221m.
  26. One is a 6,200 sq ft partially let office building in Birmingham, the other a 135,000 sq ft industrial estate in Mitcham, Surrey. A review of the company's portfolio had resulted in a valuation marginally up on the previous year at Pounds 221m.
  27. You have to take that giant cable car both ways. Heights: Resort 4,015 ft. Skiing: 9,843 ft. Difficulty of runs: Easy 44% Intermediate 44% Advanced 12%.
  28. You have to take that giant cable car both ways. Heights: Resort 4,015 ft. Skiing: 9,843 ft. Difficulty of runs: Easy 44% Intermediate 44% Advanced 12%.
  29. Only 2.5m sq ft was cancelled, according to consultants Debenham Tewson & Chinnocks.
  30. Great Portland is also taking back 7,000 sq ft of Allied Dunbar's accommodation for it own occupation.
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