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 frock [frɒk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 女礼服, 连衣裙, 工装, 罩袍, 僧衣

  1. This monk wears a gray frock.
  2. Her frock came from Paris, but she wears them with a strong English accent.
  3. A man's long, double-breasted frock coat.

[ noun ]
  1. a habit worn by clerics

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice

  4. <noun.artifact>
[ verb ]
  1. put a frock on

  2. <verb.body>

Frock \Frock\, v. t.
1. To clothe in a frock.

2. To make a monk of. Cf. {Unfrock}.

Frock \Frock\ (fr[o^]k), n. [F. froc a monk's cowl, coat,
garment, LL. frocus, froccus, flocus, floccus, fr. L. floccus
a flock of wool; hence orig., a flocky cloth or garment; cf.
L. flaccus flabby, E. flaccid.]
1. A loose outer garment; especially, a gown forming a part
of European modern costume for women and children; also, a
coarse shirtlike garment worn by some workmen over their
other clothes; a smock frock; as, a marketman's frock.

2. A coarse gown worn by monks or friars, and supposed to
take the place of all, or nearly all, other garments. It
has a hood which can be drawn over the head at pleasure,
and is girded by a cord.

{Frock coat}, a body coat for men, usually double-breasted,
the skirts not being in one piece with the body, but sewed
on so as to be somewhat full.

{Smock frock}. See in the Vocabulary.

  1. This opera opens with the Nixons (tenor James Maddalena, in dark overcoat, soprano Carolann Page, petite and prim in her red frock) slowly floating down to China in a jet.
  2. COUTTS Bank clings assiduously to the frock coat and royal family image that befits a 300-year-old bastion of the English establishment.
  3. The likes of Lord Byron and Jane Austen banked here; today's customers, still greeted by doormen wearing gray frock coats, are nearly as elite, including landed gentry and very wealthy English businessmen.
  4. Says Maslinski: 'We still retain frock coats, to symbolise the old traditions and values.' To use any private banking facility solely for its current account services, because of its name or smart livery, will prove costly.
  5. The pop singer wore the low-cut sequined frock in the video for the song "True Blue."
  6. Too often the traditional British floral frock does not tally with the traditional British summer climate and disappears under ill-assorted cardigans or coats.
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