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 fresh gale 添加此单词到默认生词本

    fresh gale
    [ noun ]
    wind moving 39-46 knots; 8 on the Beaufort scale

    Fresh \Fresh\ (fr[e^]sh), a. [Compar. {Fresher}
    (fr[e^]sh"[~e]r); superl. {Freshest}.] [OE. fresch, AS.
    fersc; akin to D. versch, G. frisch, OHG. frisc, Sw. frisk,
    Dan. frisk, fersk, Icel. fr[imac]skr frisky, brisk, ferskr
    fresh; cf. It. fresco, OF. fres, freis, fem. freske, fresche,
    F. frais, fem. fra[^i]che, which are of German origin. Cf.
    {Fraischeur}, {Fresco}, {Frisk}.]
    1. Possessed of original life and vigor; new and strong;
    unimpaired; sound.

    2. New; original; additional. ``Fear of fresh mistakes.''
    --Sir W. Scott.

    A fresh pleasure in every fresh posture of the
    limbs. --Landor.

    3. Lately produced, gathered, or prepared for market; not
    stale; not dried or preserved; not wilted, faded, or
    tainted; in good condition; as, fresh vegetables, flowers,
    eggs, meat, fruit, etc.; recently made or obtained;
    occurring again; repeated; as, a fresh supply of goods;
    fresh tea, raisins, etc.; lately come or made public; as,
    fresh news; recently taken from a well or spring; as,
    fresh water.

    4. Youthful; florid; as, these fresh nymphs. --Shak.

    5. In a raw, green, or untried state; uncultivated;
    uncultured; unpracticed; as, a fresh hand on a ship.

    6. Renewed in vigor, alacrity, or readiness for action; as,
    fresh for a combat; hence, tending to renew in vigor;
    rather strong; cool or brisk; as, a fresh wind.

    7. Not salt; as, fresh water, in distinction from that which
    is from the sea, or brackish; fresh meat, in distinction
    from that which is pickled or salted.

    {Fresh breeze} (Naut.), a breeze between a moderate and a
    strong breeze; one blowinq about twenty miles an hour.

    {Fresh gale}, a gale blowing about forty-five miles an hour.

    {Fresh way} (Naut.), increased speed.

    Syn: Sound; unimpaired; recent; unfaded: ruddy; florid;
    sweet; good: inexperienced; unpracticed: unused; lively;
    vigorous; strong.

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