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 fragmentation [`frægmən'teʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 分裂, 破碎

[计] 在IP层将打包文件切成适当大小的程序

[化] 碎裂; 裂解

[医] 断裂, 碎裂, 裂殖

  1. The country is moving steadily closer to fragmentation.
  2. A fragmentation bomb is one that explodes into small pieces.
  3. It is only one fragmentation, one small portion of the bigger picture.

[ noun ]
  1. separating something into fine particles

  2. <noun.act>
  3. the disintegration of social norms governing behavior and thought and social relationships

  4. <noun.state>
  5. (computer science) the condition of a file that is broken up and stored in many different locations on a magnetic disk

  6. <noun.process>
    fragmentation slows system performance because it takes extra time to locate and assemble the parts of the fragmented file
  7. the scattering of bomb fragments after the bomb explodes

  8. <noun.event>

fragmentation \fragmentation\ n.
the act or process of separating something into small pieces
or fine particles.

Syn: atomization, atomisation.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. The fragmentation was acceptable when Chicago stuck to beans and bellies, but it does not work in the era of index arbitrage, when traders simultaneously do business in multiple markets.
  2. "Nobody will benefit from fragmentation of the world trading system," Conable wrote. "The world's poor stand to lose the most." In 1988, the last year for which complete figures are available, aid reached $48 billion.
  3. Contributing to the problems of governing these places is a fragmentation of interests.
  4. The country's two most populous republics signed their own trade pact Monday, while a new secessionist movement emerged in Russia in the latest signs of Soviet fragmentation, news reports said.
  5. "Out of the Barrio" is an important contribution to the literature describing that fragmentation.
  6. The industry leader said it hopes to increase its market share by about half a percentage point in fiscal 1988 but expects to have not much more than 10% of the market in 10 years under the best circumstances, because of the fragmentation of the market.
  7. But he predicted spreading fragmentation of the 14.9-million-member denomination, the nation's largest Protestant body.
  8. But this could be a prime target for the EPP, which because of its fragmentation is having difficulty settling on candidates. One other important decision will be the parliament's choice of the MEP to elaborate its case for the 1996 review conference.
  9. There are also seven design offices. Mr Brian Wilson, Labour transport spokesman, condemned the job losses as a consequence of the fragmentation of the railway.
  10. A history of fragmentation seems to have given the region's businessmen an expertise in niche markets. For example, Europe's computer services industry performs well in designing 'bespoke' software - tailor-made solutions for individual companies.
  11. Such a treaty could slow or perhaps even halt the rapid fragmentation that began with Lithuania's declaration of independence last March.
  12. The central government hopes to forestall such economic fragmentation by establishing changes to serve as the basis for a nationwide market and a new union treaty among the republics.
  13. European businesses and individuals pay a large price for the fragmentation of transport, telecommunications and energy systems. No European can feel pleased at the delays in air travel caused by incompatible and inadequate air traffic control systems.
  14. And I G Metall, the German engineering workers' union, says this year's crucial pay round is about employment first and pay second. Another part of the answer is to be found in the fragmentation of Europe's labour movements.
  15. The republic of Armenia passed a declaration of independence on Thursday and Estonia began formal negotiations with the Kremlin on separation, bringing the Soviet Union closer to fragmentation.
  16. "This much fragmentation makes attracting and keeping today's rate-sensitive customers costly."
  17. In fairness, the politicians are as much to blame for this state of affairs as the regulators. The fragmentation is echoed elsewhere.
  18. Such schools "are threatened by excessive fragmentation and division" and increasing cultural separations and racial tensions, the report said.
  19. Food supplies to big cities, particularly in the north, also have been disrupted this year by the country's political fragmentation.
  20. 'It was very useful to small farmers for storage and the sale of products,' says Mr Diana. In addition to fragmentation, Italian agriculture is characterised by substantial regional differences.
  21. Instead, he homes in on the music's structural daring, its fragmentation and Romantic wildness. 2pm.
  22. Hard-liners welcomed the appointment and predicted a crackdown to stop fragmentation of the union.
  23. All this promises greater fragmentation in the next legislature, and Italy "could become ungovernable," says Patrick McCarthy, a political scientist at the Bologna campus of Johns Hopkins University.
  24. As a result of political fragmentation and the emergence of new political groups, Western intelligence services are trying to recruit new sources on a wider political basis.
  25. Yet the fragmentation of political accountability under the US system focuses attention on the short run.
  26. The reason is that the arguments apply with equal, indeed greater force, to the forthcoming fragmentation of the British Rail network.
  27. The rigidity and fragmentation of Europe's markets have become major obstacles to change.
  28. Such fragmentation exists in many democratic regimes, but under Soviet conditions it was a luxury the reformers could ill afford.
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