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 forswore [fɔr'swor]   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. He had forsworn smoking.

Forswore \For*swore"\,
imp. of {Forswear}.

Forswear \For*swear"\, v. t. [imp. {Forswore}; p. p. {Forsworn};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Forswearing}.] [OE. forsweren, forswerien,
AS. forswerian; pref. for- + swerian to swear. See {For-},
and {Swear}, v. i.]
1. To reject or renounce upon oath; hence, to renounce
earnestly, determinedly, or with protestations.

I . . . do forswear her. --Shak.

2. To deny upon oath.

Like innocence, and as serenely bold
As truth, how loudly he forswears thy gold!

{To forswear one's self}, to swear falsely; to perjure one's
self. ``Thou shalt not forswear thyself.'' --Matt. v. 33.

Syn: See {Perjure}.

  1. But we did so only after Sovexportfilm forswore part of its share of profits in return for additional advertising in the magazine.
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