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 forged 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. They forged their manager's signature on the cheque.
  2. The ship forged ahead under a favorable wind.

[ adj ]
reproduced fraudulently
like a bad penny...a forged twenty dollar bill

Forge \Forge\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Forged}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Forging}.] [F. forger, OF. forgier, fr. L. fabricare,
fabricari, to form, frame, fashion, from fabrica. See
{Forge}, n., and cf. {Fabricate}.]
1. To form by heating and hammering; to beat into any
particular shape, as a metal.

Mars's armor forged for proof eterne. --Shak.

2. To form or shape out in any way; to produce; to frame; to

Those names that the schools forged, and put into
the mouth of scholars, could never get admittance
into common use. --Locke.

Do forge a life-long trouble for ourselves.

3. To coin. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

4. To make falsely; to produce, as that which is untrue or
not genuine; to fabricate; to counterfeit, as, a
signature, or a signed document.

That paltry story is untrue,
And forged to cheat such gulls as you. --Hudibras.

Forged certificates of his . . . moral character.

Syn: To fabricate; counterfeit; feign; falsify.

forged \forged\ (f[=o]rjd), adj.
1. Not genuine; counterfeit; -- used mostly of signatures and
documents. See {forge}, v. t., 4.

Syn: bad.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

2. shaped by strong pressure in a press, or by heatng and
hammering; -- of metal objects.

Note: Also used metaphorically of results requiring intense
or difficult effort.

  1. A mysterious man linked to the Medellin cocaine cartel acknowledged he forged millions of dollars in greenbacks and passed thousands along the U.S.-Mexico border, a top law enforcement official said Tuesday.
  2. An agreement forged last month between the Czech, Slovak and federal governments keeps foreign policy, defense, general economic and monetary policy under federal control.
  3. 'Fear not, little one' the wizard replied. 'Nothing can destroy that which has been forged by the Master.
  4. Microsoft has forged ahead with its own standards, but these may soon merge with the official standards being developed by the International Standards Organisation and the Consultative Committee on International Telephony and Telegraphy.
  5. The government is settling a lawsuit filed by the widow of a Communist Party leader who was ostracized by his colleagues after the bureau planted a forged document falsely suggesting the man was an informant.
  6. It is starting to move into the higher-volume voice telephony market. Concert is the cornerstone of the Dollars 5.3bn (Pounds 3.35bn) alliance between BT and MCI forged in mid-1993.
  7. Ford withheld dealer deliveries of many of the cars late last year and early this year so it could replace a cast-iron crankshaft with a forged one.
  8. He led Northern into the acquisition of STC, the UK telecommunications group, and forged a valuable joint venture with Matra of France. But his abrasive style and emphasis on international growth have hit Northern's core business in North America.
  9. Scotland Yard said in a brief statement that police also seized forged visas, marriage certificates, checkbooks, travelers checks, foreign driving licences and birth certificates at the house at Islington in north London.
  10. Authorities detained Khan on Dec. 24 on suspicion of carrying forged identity papers during a routine traffic check at the city of Bergen op Zoom, near the Belgian border, Mrs Faber said.
  11. Talks were continuing, he said. Mr Smith said that API had forged 'longer term alliances with key accounts', some up to three years and not fixed just on price.
  12. The Americans forged an alliance with Filipino rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo, who had declared independence from Spain two months earlier.
  13. Thus, he said, he traveled on a forged passport.
  14. The company's reputation was forged by William La Porte, chairman until 1981, who was known both for holding the investment community in disdain and for his stern fiscal management.
  15. Mr. Gray, who forged his political ties while acting as communications director for the 1980 Reagan-Bush campaign, sold his own lobbying firm to Hill & Knowlton in 1986.
  16. He has forged strong links with Copa, the association of EC farming unions, which believes supply management is the right way forward for professional farmers on commercially viable holdings.
  17. Many Alaska-Soviet ties have been forged since then, including: _ A "Friendship Flight" from Nome to Provideniya in 1988 reunited Eskimos separated since the political "Ice Curtain" was drawn in 1948.
  18. Critics say that under the legislation, the market for forged documents is likely to boom.
  19. The United tates and its major European allies forged agreement with the Soviet Union and East Germany Tuesday on a two-stage formula to reunite Germany 45 years after the World War II victors divided it.
  20. 'The ill-founded allegations made against me are based on forged documents and the actions of others.
  21. Nor is fraud unknown: last year, counterfeiters fed over a million forged share certificates on to the market, forcing suspension of trading in five listed companies.
  22. As such a relationship is forged, regional instabilities around the world will assume a greater role in U.S. calculations of security needs, he said, mentioning the Persian Gulf, the Middle East and Latin America.
  23. To help meet the need, a few schools have forged ahead on their own, and interest is growing among states and cities.
  24. But since the Race jet has no company markings or colors, it is possible that a second plane was used with forged tail numbers.
  25. When British forger Tom Keating, on the other hand, confessed in 1976 to have forged about 2,000 paintings by 100 different artists, he was not scorned but celebrated.
  26. Thousands of other Cubans arrive each year at Miami International Airport with forged passports or travel documents obtained in other Latin countries, such as Panama or Ecuador.
  27. The uneasy Likud-Labor alliance was forged after inconclusive parliamentary elections last year.
  28. Harb represents the independent Maronite bloc, which has 14 deputies in the Lebanese Parliament that approved the Arab League peace plan forged at a special session in Taif, Saudi Arabia, which shifts power to the Moslem majority.
  29. Most questions involve real estate transactions, where signatures are forged or property is improperly transferred.
  30. Reporter Robert McGowan, in what the paper called an exclusive report, said the memorandum named three Lebanese terrorists believed to be traveling on forged passports.
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