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 foolery ['fu:lәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 愚蠢行为, 愚事, 愚蠢

  1. He was seeking a face-saving deal with the bank's board that would allow him to resign under his own terms and escape some blame for the foolery involving his girlfriend's compensation.

[ noun ]
foolish or senseless behavior

Foolery \Fool"er*y\, n.; pl. {Fooleries}.
1. The practice of folly; the behavior of a fool; absurdity.

Folly in fools bears not so strong a note,
As foolery in the wise, when wit doth dote. --Shak.

2. An act of folly or weakness; a foolish practice; something
absurd or nonsensical.

That Pythagoras, Plato, or Orpheus, believed in any
of these fooleries, it can not be suspected. --Sir
W. Raleigh.

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