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 fold [fold]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 折层, 折, 羊栏, 折痕, 信徒

vt. 折叠, 包, 合拢, 交迭

vi. 折叠起来, 彻底失败

[计] 折叠; 合并

[化] 折叠

[医] 襞, 褶

  1. The paper should be folded in half.
  2. I folded the handkerchief and put it in my pocket.
  3. Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the same width.

[ noun ]
  1. an angular or rounded shape made by folding

  2. <noun.shape>
    a fold in the napkin
    a crease in his trousers
    a plication on her blouse
    a flexure of the colon
    a bend of his elbow
  3. a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church

  4. <noun.group>
  5. a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock

  6. <noun.process>
  7. a group of sheep or goats

  8. <noun.group>
  9. a folded part (as in skin or muscle)

  10. <noun.body>
  11. a pen for sheep

  12. <noun.artifact>
  13. the act of folding

  14. <noun.act>
    he gave the napkins a double fold
[ verb ]
  1. bend or lay so that one part covers the other

  2. <verb.contact> fold up turn up
    fold up the newspaper
    turn up your collar
  3. incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating

  4. <verb.change>
    Fold the egg whites into the batter
  5. cease to operate or cause to cease operating

  6. <verb.social>
    close close down close up shut down
    The owners decided to move and to close the factory
    My business closes every night at 8 P.M.
    close up the shop
  7. confine in a fold, like sheep

  8. <verb.contact>
    pen up
  9. become folded or folded up

  10. <verb.change>
    fold up
    The bed folds in a jiffy

Fold \Fold\, n. [OE. fald, fold, AS. fald, falod.]
1. An inclosure for sheep; a sheep pen.

Leaps o'er the fence with ease into the fold.

2. A flock of sheep; figuratively, the Church or a church;
as, Christ's fold.

There shall be one fold and one shepherd. --John x.

The very whitest lamb in all my fold. --Tennyson.

3. A boundary; a limit. [Obs.] --Creech.

{Fold yard}, an inclosure for sheep or cattle.

Fold \Fold\, v. i.
To become folded, plaited, or doubled; to close over another
of the same kind; to double together; as, the leaves of the
door fold. --1 Kings vi. 34.

Fold \Fold\, n. [From {Fold}, v. In sense 2 AS. -feald, akin to
fealdan to fold.]
1. A doubling,esp. of any flexible substance; a part laid
over on another part; a plait; a plication.

Mummies . . . shrouded in a number of folds of
linen. --Bacon.

Folds are most common in the rocks of mountainous
regions. --J. D. Dana.

2. Times or repetitions; -- used with numerals, chiefly in
composition, to denote multiplication or increase in a
geometrical ratio, the doubling, tripling, etc., of
anything; as, fourfold, four times, increased in a
quadruple ratio, multiplied by four.

3. That which is folded together, or which infolds or
envelops; embrace.

Shall from your neck unloose his amorous fold.

{Fold net}, a kind of net used in catching birds.

Fold \Fold\ (f[=o]ld), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Folded}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Folding}.] [OE. folden, falden, AS. fealdan; akin to
OHG. faltan, faldan, G. falten, Icel. falda, Dan. folde, Sw.
f[*a]lla, Goth. fal[thorn]an, cf. Gr. di-pla`sios twofold,
Skr. pu[.t]a a fold. Cf. {Fauteuil}.]
1. To lap or lay in plaits or folds; to lay one part over
another part of; to double; as, to fold cloth; to fold a

As a vesture shalt thou fold them up. --Heb. i. 12.

2. To double or lay together, as the arms or the hands; as,
he folds his arms in despair.

3. To inclose within folds or plaitings; to envelop; to
infold; to clasp; to embrace.

A face folded in sorrow. --J. Webster.

We will descend and fold him in our arms. --Shak.

4. To cover or wrap up; to conceal.

Nor fold my fault in cleanly coined excuses. --Shak.

Fold \Fold\, v. t.
To confine in a fold, as sheep.

Fold \Fold\, v. i.
To confine sheep in a fold. [R.]

The star that bids the shepherd fold. --Milton.

  1. Chicago has seen 10 hospitals fold since 1984.
  2. When all this is done, the argument runs, Conservative voters will start returning to the fold. I wonder.
  3. It's inconceivable to Prin that the college will fold.
  4. The technology allows the computer's circuit board to fold in half to take up less space.
  5. "The banks can fold up as easily as the other places, I know, but at least they're straight."
  6. If the Soviet Union should try to blockade Latvia economically to pressure it back into the fold, Latvia could lose the majority of its energy supplies, including all of its gasoline, economist Arnmis Kalnins told the delegates.
  7. As someone once sang: You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.
  8. Agreement by the administration is expected to bring Mr Torres and at least 7 other Hispanic congressmen into the pro-Nafta fold. The administration believes it can garner 200-210 pro-Nafta votes, out of the 218 needed.
  9. A week after the renegotiation, Cox announced it would fold the 92-year-old evening News on Dec. 31 if it is unable to sell the newspaper.
  10. Some analysts had speculated that WPP might fold the agency's operations into J. Walter Thompson Co., a much larger WPP unit.
  11. Although relatively few companies will fold from price weakness, many will be hurt.
  12. Patients would be given these together with the correct CFTR protein. Smith reckons that the mutant protein does not fold properly, so it gets stuck in the cell and broken down there.
  13. "The minimum Arab leaders could do is expel the traitor Assad from their fold and to boycott him," Ramadan, also a member of the Revolutionary Command Council, wrote in an article in the governing Baath Party paper Al-Thawra.
  14. "Democrats will cooperate, but we will not fold," Mr. Gephardt said.
  15. But links have been restored since a 1987 Arab summit decided to allow Egypt back into the Arab fold.
  16. On the one hand, if only to keep the French out, London had been prepared to grant Syrian Arabs independence; on the other, it sought to keep Egypt and the Sudan within the colonial fold.
  17. In addition, Murray has 100 staff in applications development and product introduction. The effect of this technological commitment is two fold, Murray says.
  18. With Britain back in the fold, the community sets out on a crucial but tricky course to build a unified political force capable of speaking with one voice on foreign and security issues.
  19. So if you can bring them together in the fold of things its better for the customers," Manzi said.
  20. The poll clearly shows Mr. Dukakis's success so far in wooing back to the fold the Democrats who supported Mr. Reagan against Walter Mondale four years ago.
  21. But, he said, the company's plan wouldn't allow workers at the low end of the wage scale to fold any cost-of-living adjustments into their salary calculations.
  22. I'm happy to lift the shopping bags." Margaret Miko of Catonsville, Md., also 67, says that before her heart attack she felt that Westinghouse Corp. would probably fold without her.
  23. Walters and Bloom resorted to threats and beatings to keep some signees in their fold, and that anti-fraud statutes may have been violated.
  24. The manager of Moscow's first cooperative restaurant said Monday a new law governing the businesses could cause many to fold, rather than promote their growth.
  25. Each evening, the goat lady came, walking her chestnut-coloured flock over the stepping stones to the sound of a clonking bell. For two days, I stared at that rock pool until I knew every line and contour, every fold and pocket.
  26. The summit convened Tuesday to welcome Egypt back to the Arab fold after a 10-year ostracism for making peace with Israel.
  27. Egypt's return to the fold of the Arab world could also serve as an important catalyst for peace moves, Bush said.
  28. A few weeks ago, the company reportedly began building a prototype of the hinges that would be used to fold up the outer 20 to 25 feet of the 767-X's wings, each of which would be roughly 88 feet long from tip to fuselage.
  29. Belarus, especially, believes that once back in the Russian fold it would be taken care of as before: but those days have gone. No Russian government can afford such a burden.
  30. Hatch commended Presser for bringing the Teamsters back into the AFL-CIO fold 30 years after they were expelled over corruption allegations and for being the first Teamsters president to appear before a Senate committee.
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