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 flattish ['flætiʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有点平的, 稍平的

    Flattish \Flat"tish\, a.
    Somewhat flat. --Woodward.

    1. Grey apartments gave way to flattish countryside and impoverished villages with a good sprinkling of half-timbering.
    2. In an interview, Mr. Freeman said that the European mergers market "feels like it's moving up," whereas the U.S. market "feels flattish."
    3. The recovery in the refurbishment market, echoed by Caradon on Tuesday, should take the eye off flattish profits at Janoplast for a year or two.
    4. The officials described prospects for 1992 profit as "flattish," absent the 1991 charges, an SCEcorp spokesman said.
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