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 flask [flæsk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 细颈瓶, 烧瓶, 小水瓶

[化] 瓶; 烧瓶

[医] 烧瓶; 型盒

  1. I want to drink a flask of wine.
  2. The graduations are marked on the side of the flask.
  3. Remove the flask. Allow it to cool.

[ noun ]
  1. bottle that has a narrow neck

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. the quantity a flask will hold

  4. <noun.quantity>

Flask \Flask\, n. [AS. flasce, flaxe; akin to D. flesch, OHG.
flasca, G. flasche, Icel. & Sw. flaska, Dan. flaske, OF.
flasche, LL. flasca, flasco; of uncertain origin; cf. L.
vasculum, dim. of vas a vessel, Gr. ?, ?, ?. Cf. {Flagon},
1. A small bottle-shaped vessel for holding fluids; as, a
flask of oil or wine.

2. A narrow-necked vessel of metal or glass, used for various
purposes; as of sheet metal, to carry gunpowder in; or of
wrought iron, to contain quicksilver; or of glass, to heat
water in, etc.

3. A bed in a gun carriage. [Obs.] --Bailey.

4. (Founding) The wooden or iron frame which holds the sand,
etc., forming the mold used in a foundry; it consists of
two or more parts; viz., the cope or top; sometimes, the
cheeks, or middle part; and the drag, or bottom part. When
there are one or more cheeks, the flask is called a three
part flask, four part flask, etc.

{Erlenmeyer flask}, a thin glass flask, flat-bottomed and
cone-shaped to allow of safely shaking its contents
laterally without danger of spilling; -- so called from
Erlenmeyer, a German chemist who invented it.

{Florence flask}. [From Florence in Italy.]
(a) Same as {Betty}, n., 3.
(b) A glass flask, round or pear-shaped, with round or
flat bottom, and usually very thin to allow of heating

{Pocket flask}, a kind of pocket dram bottle, often covered
with metal or leather to protect it from breaking.

  1. His only ally is a hip flask of sloe gin, "the keeper's drink." Picking up the potent, garlicky scent of a fox, Mr. Count pans his lamp and spots a pair of flame-red eyes in a beet field.
  2. They sprinkled a layer of the catalyst over the bottom of a glass flask in an oxygen-free environment.
  3. Electrochemists Stanley Pons of Utah and Martin Fleischmann of the University of Southampton in England announced last Thursday that they had sustained fusion for more than 100 hours in a flask.
  4. Technically, it is a heat accumulator but think of it as a giant vacuum flask.
  5. 99.99%, Dollars per 76 lb flask, 105-125 (105-120).
  6. Pons, of the University of Utah, and Fleischmann, of England's Southampton University, announced March 23 that they had created nuclear fusion in a flask.
  7. Get out your flask and your earmuffs.
  8. Mark Haskell pauses to make sure two items also are close by: a tuft of heather wrapped in a ribbon and a flask of whiskey, both sent by his wife.
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