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 flamenco [flə'meŋkəu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 弗拉曼柯舞, 弗拉曼柯舞曲

  1. The rhythmic stamping of the heels characteristic of Spanish flamenco dances.
  2. You can find many flamenco dancers in Spain.
  3. The flamenco craze began to spread all over the world.

[ noun ]
  1. guitar music composed for dancing the flamenco

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. a style of dancing characteristic of the Andalusian Gypsies; vigorous and rhythmic with clapping and stamping of feet

  4. <noun.act>

flamenco \flamenco\ n.
1. a strongly rhythmic and vigorous style of dancing
characteristic of the Andalusian gypsies, characterized by
clapping and stamping of feet.

Syn: gypsy dancing.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. (Mus.) a strongly rhythmic style of music originating in
southern Spain, often improvisatorial, performed by
itself, often on a guitar, or as an accompaniment to
flamenco dancing.

  1. To conserve the memory of flamenco, to promote research into the art and to make contemporary flamenco known to as wide a public as possible are the principal aims of the foundation, according to director Joaquin Carrera.
  2. To conserve the memory of flamenco, to promote research into the art and to make contemporary flamenco known to as wide a public as possible are the principal aims of the foundation, according to director Joaquin Carrera.
  3. Two male dancers are given big solos, but their material is blandly academic in its bravura, as if it were designed to pass a flamenco dance exam (grade 8).
  4. Another theory has it that the word derives from the Arabic "fela-mengh," or immigrant peasant and that many of the "cantes" or styles of flamenco songs were influenced by the Moors who occupied most of Spain for eight centuries.
  5. But it also suggests Hoyos is deliberately making dances that will not expose any decline in her technical powers. She also wants to make flamenco tell stories.
  6. When Manuela Vargas, as the unfortunate Agave, says a few words near the end of Salvador Tavora's striking flamenco version of "The Bacchae," it's a shock to realize that you're hearing her speak for the very first time.
  7. Leblon, who places himself on the side that argues the determinant gypsy role in flamenco history, says he believes many Spaniards cannot accept flamenco as a serious art form because of its gypsy connections.
  8. Leblon, who places himself on the side that argues the determinant gypsy role in flamenco history, says he believes many Spaniards cannot accept flamenco as a serious art form because of its gypsy connections.
  9. After leaving Hollywood in 1958 she was sometimes seen dancing a passionate flamenco in Madrid, and survived two road accidents in the high-power cars she raced down narrow Spanish roads.
  10. The dancers offer the true raw spirit of flamenco - and as with any slug of raw spirit, you knock it back and enjoy the intoxicating kick. At Sadler's Wells until October 8.
  11. He seems to carry good karma with him whatever the material, from improv to flamenco by way of Mahavishnu.
  12. Andrew John Dechet of Vancouver, Wash., who studied flamenco guitar in Spain with Gypsies, is a Germanic language and literature major at Princeton.
  13. In a country where some 100 flamenco festivals are held each summer, half lose money and few would be possible without the support of local city or provincial councils.
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