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 firetail 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Firetail \Fire"tail`\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
    The European redstart; -- called also {fireflirt}. [prov.

    Sappho \Sap"pho\, n. [See {Sapphic}.] (Zo["o]l.)
    Any one of several species of brilliant South American
    humming birds of the genus {Sappho}, having very
    bright-colored and deeply forked tails; -- called also

    Redstart \Red"start`\ (-st?rt`), n. [Red + start tail.]
    (a) A small, handsome European singing bird ({Phoenicurus
    phoenicurus}, formerly {Ruticilla phoenicurus}),
    allied to the nightingale; -- called also {redtail},
    {brantail}, {fireflirt}, {firetail}. The black
    redstart is {Phoenicurus ochruros} (formerly
    {Phoenicurus tithys}), and is now rare and protected
    by law in England. The name is also applied to several
    other species of {Ruticilla} and allied genera, native
    of India.
    (b) An American fly-catching warbler ({Setophaga
    ruticilla}). The male is black, with large patches of
    orange-red on the sides, wings, and tail. The female
    is olive, with yellow patches.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

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