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 filmmaker ['fɪlm`mekɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 电影制作人

  1. A filmmaker, usually a director, who exercises creative control over his or her works and has a strong personal style.
  2. I talked to many artistic people: writers, dancers and filmmakers.
    我同许多艺术界的人们谈过话,其中有作家、 舞蹈家、电影制片人。
  3. Cheyenne-Arapaho filmmaker Chris Eyre is leading the movement.

[ noun ]
a producer of motion pictures

  1. It works for me," admits Catherine's best friend, a would-be filmmaker.
  2. It was convened by commission chairman Andrzej Wajda, Poland's leading filmmaker.
  3. The filmmaker was banned from making feature films for eight years as punishment.
  4. Glatzer, a first-time filmmaker, does not seem quite sure whether he is spoofing soap emotionalism or subscribing to it.
  5. Curtin's husband, Patrick Lynch, co-produced the movie with Barry Levinson (a British filmmaker, not the American director of "Tin Men").
  6. Joe Roth, the creative force behind filmmaker Morgan Creek Productions, has been appointed chairman of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp., Fox announced Wednesday.
  7. When Kenneth Asquez, the source of one of the film's most provocative claims retracted his story under questioning at the inquest, filmmaker Thames Television initiated the inquiry by Lord Windlesham and senior attorney Richard Rampton.
  8. And I like making films about places as well as people." The British filmmaker looked at life in the Valley through the eyes of the aliens themselves.
  9. The Egyptian filmmaker then used that money to help produce his film, which the Kuwaiti backers subsequently distributed under a leasing arrangement with exhibitors in neighboring states.
  10. The silent chase scene in Woody Allen's "Bananas" is another Chaplin-inspired bit. The filmmaker once said in an interview that he admired the way Chaplin used thin plots on which to hang funny scenes.
  11. Frederic Rossif, a Yugoslav-born documentary filmmaker whose subjects included Pablo Picasso, African wildlife and Nazi Germany, died of a heart attack Wednesday, his production company said.
  12. Poland was represented at the conference by filmmaker Andrzej Wajda, literary critic Jan-Jozef Lipski and senior Solidarity adviser Bronislaw Geremek.
  13. Meantime, Jackson, having preached against drugs for years, reviews his ideas with filmmaker Spike Lee in an ad set to start Thursday.
  14. Lula E. "Tiny" Oslund, a former silent screen star known as Blanche Sweet when she played confident and determined heroines for filmmaker D.W. Griffith, has died.
  15. Also in attendance were former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, Sen. Pete Wilson, R-Calif., Eva Gabor and filmmaker Jerry Weintraub.
  16. The "Looking for Rudy" ad, which aired Wednesday and Thursday, is a takeoff on the 1989 documentary "Roger and Me" in which a filmmaker tries to track down General Motors Chairman Roger Smith to ask him about auto-worker layoffs.
  17. It was the first time in 30 years the medal has been given to a filmmaker.
  18. But like early ideas of being a filmmaker, the boxing career petered out.
  19. Lemon quickly noted, to much laughter, that the director's sister was not like "Sweetie," but was actually a filmmaker.
  20. Black & Decker Inc. has filed suit in federal court in Baltimore, accusing the filmmaker and the marketing firm Krown-Young & Rubicam of failing to fulfill a promise that one of its drills would be featured in the film.
  21. The drug bust of Vanessa Vadim, the daughter Fonda had with her first husband, French filmmaker Roger Vadim.
  22. Perhaps some kind-hearted filmmaker will one day find some decent material for Chase, whose acting talents and comedic genius have been dashed in Hollywood.
  23. The company's ads feature filmmaker Spike Lee, basketball star Michael Jordan, football and baseball star Bo Jackson and other black celebrities.
  24. He would back out of uncomfortable situations by insisting, "Include me out!" While the filmmaker once groaned to his analyst, "I hate my mouth," Berg insisted that even Goldwyn was amused by his malapropisms.
  25. In a Hollywood time warp, a filmmaker is unearthing an ancient Egyptian city, built and buried not by pharaohs but by legendary director Cecil B. DeMille.
  26. An aspiring filmmaker, one of the few men to complete the program, said welfare recipients face challenges other entrepreneurs don't.
  27. The filmmaker spoke from Yonaguni island, where he flew from Tokyo to join mourners at Itokazu's funeral Monday.
  28. Just as his acting career is rolling, he turns filmmaker and co-produces "The Sting," which won an Academy Award as best picture of 1973.
  29. French filmmaker Robert Bresson has been named winner of the 1988 Akira Kurosawa Lifetime Achievement Award and a series of his films will be shown, including the American premiere of the comic short, "Les Affaires Publiques" (1936).
  30. A series of films will be shown, including a presentation of four films by 1920s independent black filmmaker Oscar Micheaux and a docudrama on his life starring Danny Glover.
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