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 fee-for-service 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. "Basic fee-for-service practice doesn't advance medicine," says Dr. Gill.
    2. When Ireland switched from fee-for-service to a fixed annual contract for each patient on the doctor's register, doctors' consultation rates fell by a fifth.
    3. Although some HMOs make more vigorous efforts at preventive medicine than do fee-for-service providers, there is no evidence that such efforts have had an appreciable impact on costs.
    4. To begin with, the annual rate of rise in HMO costs has been indistinguishable from that in the fee-for-service sector.
    5. The committee said FDA should: -Require public disclosure of any financial arrangements outside of fee-for-service contracts between applicants for approval of generic drugs and testing laboratories.
    6. When the prostate video program was installed in a practice in Iowa where doctors were often paid on a fee-for-service basis, few patients were urged to watch it.
    7. Prudential and its client companies paid a total of $5.5 million for procedures that would have cost $7.2 million on a "retail" or fee-for-service basis, Dr. Dragalin said.
    8. Immunex also is screening on a fee-for-service basis, but it will get royalties as well if it identifies a Kodak compound that is eventually developed as a drug.
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