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 faultless ['fɒ:ltlis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 完美的, 无缺点的

[化] 无故障的

  1. The teacher told us the faultless argumentation after the test.
  2. These musicians gave an absolutely faultless performance.
  3. Lifeless, faultless.

[ adj ]
without fault or error
faultless logicspeaks impeccable French
timing and technique were immaculate
an immaculate record

Faultless \Fault"less\, a.
Without fault; not defective or imperfect; free from blemish;
free from incorrectness, vice, or offense; perfect; as, a
faultless poem.

Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see,
Thinks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be.

Syn: Blameless; spotless; perfect. See {Blameless}. --
{Fault"less*ly}, adv.-{Fault"less*ness}, n.

  1. Finmare's reasoning was faultless.
  2. His lecture on "Hungary's Place in Contemporary Europe," delivered in faultless Hungarian, was the highpoint of his four-day visit and also a personal triumph.
  3. This is what the National Grid's new system, formally opened last month after 100 days in faultless operation, is designed to manage.
  4. His faultless use of fabric and color went from slinky little cream satin "Mademoiselle de Paris" short tea dresses to a fresh blue plaid organdy dance dress with puffy sleeves and deep decollete.
  5. Settling behind the Supra's wheel is a pleasure in itself; the instrument and control layout is faultless.
  6. In a 1985 Harvard Law Review article, he argued that if affirmative action deprives "faultless" whites of seniority or jobs, they should be compensated.
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