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 fatuous ['fætʃʊəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 发呆的, 愚笨的

  1. Television commercials seem more smug and fatuous than ever.
  2. Is the notion of an" exit strategy" before one intervenes, sound strategy or fatuous nonsense invented to gull skeptics?
  3. When Barron do Coubertin reformulated the Olympic ideal in1908—" The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part,"— he could hardly have foreseen that in the1970 s this would be regarded as a pious, fatuo

[ adj ]
devoid of intelligence

Fatuous \Fat"u*ous\, a. [L. fatuus.]
1. Feeble in mind; weak; silly; stupid; foolish; fatuitous.

2. Without reality; illusory, like the ignis fatuus.

Thence fatuous fires and meteors take their birth.

  1. If she had addressed her fatuous remarks to any other person - with the exception of the Prince of Wales himself - she could have been sure of a credulous response. The information would soon have been hurtling around le tout Londres.
  2. On the other hand, there was the time Ross vocalized a Miles Davis solo on "Now's the Time" in a way characterized by Hendricks as "fatuous" and "limp."
  3. Yet he does so chiefly by having his characters utter reams of windy, fatuous pseudo-profundities about the Earth and the cosmos.
  4. Costuming is fussy, garish, or winsomely pallid, fatuous in outline (the Queen comes on in the first act as Mistinguett), ill-judged in effect.
  5. Few subsequent biographers of Marion Barry, you can be sure, will display the same modesty. There will be talk in the new-age mode of the inner child and symbolic parricide and lack of self-esteem, most of it fatuous and all of it beside the point.
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