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 faith [feiθ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 信心, 信任, 忠实, 保证

[法] 信任, 信仰, 信念

  1. I kept faith with him.
  2. He has great talent, but he has lost his faith.
  3. The disaster caused him to waver in his faith.

[ noun ]
  1. a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny

  2. <noun.cognition>
    he lost his faith but not his morality
  3. complete confidence in a person or plan etc

  4. <noun.cognition>
    he cherished the faith of a good woman
    the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust
  5. an institution to express belief in a divine power

  6. <noun.group>
    he was raised in the Baptist religion
    a member of his own faith contradicted him
  7. loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person

  8. <noun.act>
    keep the faith
    they broke faith with their investors

Faith \Faith\ (f[=a]th), n. [OE. feith, fayth, fay, OF. feid,
feit, fei, F. foi, fr. L. fides; akin to fidere to trust, Gr.
pei`qein to persuade. The ending th is perhaps due to the
influence of such words as truth, health, wealth. See {Bid},
{Bide}, and cf. {Confide}, {Defy}, {Fealty}.]
1. Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is
declared by another, resting solely and implicitly on his
authority and veracity; reliance on testimony.

2. The assent of the mind to the statement or proposition of
another, on the ground of the manifest truth of what he
utters; firm and earnest belief, on probable evidence of
any kind, especially in regard to important moral truth.

Faith, that is, fidelity, -- the fealty of the
finite will and understanding to the reason.

3. (Judeo-Christian Theol.)
(a) The belief in the historic truthfulness of the
Scripture narrative, and the supernatural origin of
its teachings, sometimes called historical and
speculative faith.
(b) (Christian Theol.) The belief in the facts and truth
of the Scriptures, with a practical love of them;
especially, that confiding and affectionate belief in
the person and work of Christ, which affects the
character and life, and makes a man a true Christian,
-- called a practical, evangelical, or saving faith.

Without faith it is impossible to please him
[God]. --Heb. xi. 6.

The faith of the gospel is that emotion of the
mind which is called ``trust'' or ``confidence''
exercised toward the moral character of God, and
particularly of the Savior. --Dr. T.

Faith is an affectionate, practical confidence
in the testimony of God. --J. Hawes.

4. That which is believed on any subject, whether in science,
politics, or religion; especially (Theol.), a system of
religious belief of any kind; as, the Jewish or Mohammedan
faith; the Christian faith; also, the creed or belief of a
Christian society or church.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Which to believe of her,
Must be a faith that reason without miracle
Could never plant in me. --Shak.

Now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.
--Gal. i. 23.

5. Fidelity to one's promises, or allegiance to duty, or to a
person honored and beloved; loyalty.

Children in whom is no faith. --Deut. xxvii.

Whose failing, while her faith to me remains,
I should conceal. --Milton.

6. Word or honor pledged; promise given; fidelity; as, he
violated his faith.

For you alone
I broke me faith with injured Palamon. --Dryden.

7. Credibility or truth. [R.]

The faith of the foregoing narrative. --Mitford.

{Act of faith}. See {Auto-da-f['e]}.

{Breach of faith}, {Confession of faith}, etc. See under
{Breach}, {Confession}, etc.

{Faith cure}, a method or practice of treating diseases by
prayer and the exercise of faith in God.

{In good faith}, with perfect sincerity.

Faith \Faith\, interj.
By my faith; in truth; verily.

Fecks \Fecks\, n.
A corruption of the word {faith}. --Shak.

  1. Voters appear to have little faith left in the oft-discussed Middle East "peace process," so neither they nor journalists are pressing candidates to explain how they would get Israelis and Palestinians into negotiations.
  2. In this week's Spectator magazine, John Patten, the education secretary, complains that science has weakened faith and thus contributed to social malaise.
  3. I have kept the faith." Caperton will appoint a temporary successor to Manchin, and voters in the 1990 general election will select someone to fill the remaining two years of Manchin's term, Secretary of State Ken Hechler said.
  4. In the pending suit, the company alleged that the union, by using a corporate campaign, isn't bargaining in good faith.
  5. Foreign money has found ready takers because Wall Street has run hot and cold on the industry, though U.S. investors in recent months have shown renewed faith in biotechnolgy.
  6. The organizer of the Wednesday patrol, Bella Gonen, said the settlers began the patrols in April after losing faith in the Israeli army's ability to end the 18-month Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule.
  7. Western leaders should now recognize the folly of putting their faith in Mr. Gorbachev.
  8. Opinion polls which increasingly show that a French 'no' vote is a real possibility increases the strain on weak ERM members; if the monetary union project finally unravels, the markets may lose faith altogether in current ERM parities.
  9. "I can't say I have faith in the system to find me innocent. But I believe my innocence will shine through." Clark, who left the country on Tuesday, said he would return to help with the trial.
  10. The party must reposition itself as one concerned not to constrain but to promote individual opportunity by reawakening faith in the notion of society.
  11. Swiss law allows the purchase of stolen art if such transactions are made in good faith.
  12. Gbagbo, a Catholic, has promised not to organize demonstrations. "We will not disturb this visit, but the pope should know that the visit disturbs our faith," he said.
  13. The violent Sikh campaign grew out of the extremists' call for a separate homeland to preserve their culture and faith in a country where they form just 2 percent of the population of 880 million.
  14. She also relied on her strong faith in God, she said.
  15. These include complying with a cease-fire agreement, showing a willingness to negotiate in good faith and refraining from acts of terrorism or military actions that threaten the government.
  16. The Sikh faith has roots in both Hinduism and Islam.
  17. Two-child families are becoming an exception, as if the whole nation has lost faith in its future and is silently renouncing its right of existence.
  18. His bishop and mine have abandoned Holy Scripture as the standard for faith and doctrine.
  19. And a high regard for the epidemiological expertise of economists is apparently an article of faith held in common by both The Wall Street Journal and Science. It's just common sense.
  20. "As believers in almighty God we have faith that prayer is more powerful than armies or contingents of diplomats.
  21. That sounds attractive to some institutional investors, especially as they assume the government will stand behind the bonds despite the lack of a full faith and credit guarantee by the Treasury.
  22. She credits her Roman Catholic faith with sustaining her and sees herself as "a soldier of the Lord." "Since the victims don't have a voice, we that are left behind that represent our loved ones must be counted," Mrs. Tate says.
  23. He did not find any violation of good faith by Paramount or any misrepresentations.
  24. There is so little faith in declarations of policy from Washington that it is even doubted whether in fact the U.S. is not indirectly assisting the insurrection and will not make some attempt to remove Saddam, which it will probably bungle.
  25. It would have allowed even institutions with only a close affiliation to a religious group to seek an exemption if compliance with the law would conflict with tenets of the faith.
  26. In spite of the professions of optimism and patience, many individuals and investment clubs lose faith when the market falls.
  27. Mr. Haft said that "to show good faith," Dart hasn't added to the 1.9 million Supermarkets General's shares it acquired earlier this year.
  28. The two churches base their faith on the same Christian doctrine, Crow said.
  29. The appeals court said the defendants couldn't be held criminally liable if they believed "in good faith" that they were following the law.
  30. The more he succeeds in shaking faith in BA's leadership, the greater the threat to its share price.
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