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 fair-weather 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 只适用于晴天的, 不可共患难的

  1. It is not easy to see through a fair-weather friend.
  2. Everyone knows Charles is merely a fair-weather friend.
  3. He has no time for inconsiderate friends, nor fair-weather ones.

Fair-weather \Fair"-weath`er\, a.
1. Made or done in pleasant weather, or in circumstances
involving but little exposure or sacrifice; as, a
fair-weather voyage. --Pope.

2. Appearing only when times or circumstances are prosperous;
as, a fair-weather friend.

{Fair-weather sailor}, a make-believe or inexperienced
sailor; -- the nautical equivalent of {carpet knight}.

  1. It may threaten to separate in boom times, but when its cyclical economy collapses, help from Ottawa suddenly looks mighty appetizing to its fair-weather free-enterprisers.
  2. There's a statistical threat a day, and even the brightest indicators carry caveat asterisks, as if every fair-weather cumulus was a developing tornado.
  3. "This makes them fair-weather friends.
  4. Swinging in the rain is not a favoured occupation among Frankfurt's fair-weather denizens of the fairways. The Kronberg turf is clearly a place for being seen, not for getting wet.
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