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 exquisitely ['ekskwizitli添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 精巧地, 敏锐地

  1. A small, exquisitely wrought trinket.
  2. He plays Chopin exquisitely as his own.
  3. These gardens are not big but exquisitely laid out.

[ adv ]
in a delicate manner
finely shaped featuresher fine drawn body

Exquisitely \Ex"qui*site*ly\, adv.
In an exquisite manner or degree; as, lace exquisitely

To a sensitive observer there was something exquisitely
painful in it. --Hawthorne.

  1. The flavour of his childhood, and the dawning of the passion for rivers, are exquisitely captured in the opening chapter of An Open Creel, Waters Of Youth.
  2. This paradox is especially evident in her recent works, exquisitely subtle platinum-palladium and gelatin-silver prints of carefully arranged still-life compositions.
  3. On her arrival at the mysterious 'school' in India, the first thing she saw was women students, exquisitely made up, performing the female classical dance drama known as Mohiniattam.
  4. His manner was old-fashioned, aristocratic, exquisitely courtly - the style of The Little Prince.
  5. 'Die Stille' was natural territory, of course - winsome staccato, with a touch of irony; but where she might have just floated 'Mondnacht' exquisitely (she controls long lines to perfection, and rhythmic periods too) her visionary purpose drew tears.
  6. "Ultrafast CT is exquisitely sensitive at detecting the presence of calcium in the arteries, a sign of atherosclerotic disease," Breen said.
  7. But it is more likely to happen if both sides simply engage in a negative arms race rather than try to work out an exquisitely nuanced agreement on every abandoned nut and bolt.
  8. Lawrence Whistler is now 80, and celebrates with a small but fully representative and exquisitely chosen retrospective of his work as an engraver on glass (34 New Bond Street W1, until January 24).
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