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 exon   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Splice donor site-- the junction between the end of an exon and the start of the downstream introns, commencing with the dinucleotide GT.
  2. House Joint Resolution79 and Senate Joint Resolution32 were used to express congressional disapproval of the DP transaction, and require the CFIUS to conduct a45- day review under the Exon-Florio provision.
  3. So, as well as spelling out which amino acids are needed to produce a specific protein, the part of the exon immediately next to the intron contains information that is essential for the gene editing process.

[ noun ]
sequence of a gene's DNA that transcribes into protein structures
exons are interspersed with introns

Exon \Ex"on\, n. [NL., from E. Exe (Celt. uisge water) the name
of a river.]
A native or inhabitant of Exeter, in England.

Exon \Ex"on\, n. [F. expect an under officer.]
An officer of the Yeomen of the Guard; an Exempt. [Eng.]

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