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 exclusivity [,eksklu:'siviti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Our policy is not to grant exclusivity.
  2. But the average number of passengers on executive jets in Europe is just two, which goes to show that users value exclusivity.
  3. The establishment of the principle of files exclusivity makes hear the records of hearing the sole basis of administrative decisions.

  1. As a bonus, the administration's bill would negate the anti-competitive effects of the so-called "exclusivity clause" of the commodities laws.
  2. Bush has not backed off his veto threat, but Gore and Wirth agreed Thursday on "exclusivity" contracts that would require the Federal Communications Commission to determine their use illegal if abused.
  3. A government spokesmen said it plans industrywide consultations before making a decision on the report, which recommended that the exclusivity pacts be halted.
  4. The sticking point is the exclusivity clause of the Commodity Exchange Act, which prohibits products with elements of futures to be traded anywhere but on a commodities exchange.
  5. The administration bill would modify the "exclusivity clause" of the Commodity Exchange Act to give the SEC authority over stock index futures.
  6. The FCC on Wednesday upheld its May 1988 decision to readopt "syndicated exclusivity," intended to give broadcasters the right to retain exclusive rights for programming they buy.
  7. The time of exclusivity is limited by patent and competition." Analysts expect more competitors to become allies or partners in this highly fragmented field.
  8. With GM balking at the price of exclusivity and unwilling to share the time, ABC set and then extended several deadlines for a decision.
  9. But that agreement provides that Showtime can buy Warner movies, too, if it decides to change its strategy of exclusivity.
  10. The court upheld a 1988 decision by the Federal Communications Commission to reinstate its so-called syndicated exclusivity rules that the agency had lifted in 1980 to help boost the cable TV industry.
  11. However, one commonly voiced notion is to shorten the 'exclusivity period' - that is, the window when the debtor has the sole right to produce a reorganisation plan.
  12. The scheduled expiration of Eastern's exclusivity period, during which other parties to the case cannot file reorganization proposals under bankruptcy law, was midnight EDT Friday.
  13. If the judge doesn't renew the exclusivity at the end of 40 days, it would open the way for any party to the case to file a reorganization plan, increasing the potential for further protracted legal proceedings and delays.
  14. "Without the exclusivity, most venture capitalists won't have the incentive to invest in such deals," Mr. Bock says.
  15. The European Commission expressed reservations about the commercially more important issue of cabinet exclusivity, but it said it needed time to investigate. When EC competition authorities will pronounce is not known.
  16. Once the so-called exclusivity period expires, Allied and Federated's creditors may file their own reorganization plans with the court.
  17. " We just think we can do a better job for clients and ourselves" by eliminating the exclusivity requirement.
  18. The French authorities claimed Air Inter, part of the Air France group, enjoyed exclusivity under a 1985 agreement. In September 1993, TAT complained to the Commission, relying on a number of grounds including breach of the 1992 regulation.
  19. The 120-day exclusivity period was to expire yesterday.
  20. The company claimed that it deserves the additional market exclusivity because its approval from the FDA was for a limited use that would be expanded by successful completion of the Finnish study.
  21. (While airlines, cruise ships, hotel and tour guides like to make money on otherwise empty space, they don't like advertising these bargain-basement rates.) Cammisa also warns, "There's no exclusivity on bargains.
  22. Moody's said these represented a significant portion of Upjohn's pharmaceuticals earnings, which could fall when the exclusivity ends next year.
  23. The proposed cap would revoke the exclusivity when cumulative sales of an orphan drug exceed $200 million.
  24. Specifically, the commission voted 5-0 to seek comment on a proposal to reimpose its so-called syndicated exclusivity rule.
  25. Now, some exclusivity and diversity may be lost.
  26. It is common in bankruptcy-law cases for such exclusivity to be extended.
  27. "It emphasizes exclusivity and results in increased property values.
  28. Put the words first and you hear how natural Mozart makes the voices sound - how far from high-art plush exclusivity he was. The only people who should stay away are canary-fanciers and Ur-text purists.
  29. Revco insists that the proposal is simply an "expression of interest," because under Chapter 11 Revco has "exclusivity rights" until Feb. 28.
  30. Companies operating under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Act almost always need longer "exclusivity periods" than judges initially allot.
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